
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Animal lovers say If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat? Sarah Palin, carnivore © 2015
Animal lovers say There's an endless supply of poop bags. A physician's response to queries about the availability of towel services in exercise classes for dogs Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2015 © 2015
Animals Chimps were a particular obsession. In 1945, after Berlin Zoo had been destroyed by bombing, [Professor Bernhard] Grzimek took several into his flat, resulting in “numerous scars”. Financial Times, January 5, 2019 © 2019
Animals Honk if you're a goose Sign worn by a goose, in a November 22, 2010, New Yorker cartoon by Edward Koren © 2023
Animals It's relatively easy to agree that only Homo sapiens  can speak about things that don't really exist, and believe six impossible things before breakfast. You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven. Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens © 2016
Animals The real difference between humans and all other animals is not on the individual level. It's on the collective level. Humans control the planet because they are the only animals that can cooperate both flexibly and in very large numbers. Yuval Noah Harari © 2016
Animals To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs. Aldous Huxley © 2023
Animals We want to believe, I want to believe, that there is something special about me, about my body, about my brain that makes me so superior to a dog, or a pig, or a chimpanzee. But the truth is, on the individual level, I'm embarrassingly similar to a chimpanzee, and if you take me and a chimpanzee and put us together on some lonely island and we had to struggle for survival to see who survives better, I would definitely place my bets on the chimpanzee, not on myself. This is not something wrong with me personally. Yuval Noah Harari © 2016