
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Cities According to a 2018 United Nations report, the number of people living in the world's urban areas is forecast to grow by 2.5bn by 2050 — to two out of every three people on the planet. Financial Times, June 26, 2022 © 2022
Cities A bad neighbor is as great a plague as a good one is a great blessing. Hesiod, Works and Days © 2021
Cities Because cities are so exciting, their inhabitants do not have to be. Their ease of access to culture saps any will on their part to make it themselves. But more than that, even if they do create, they are too close to the action to seriously question it. … It is by viewing the culture from its margins that one spots how it might take a new course. In other words, boredom and isolation have their uses. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, July 12, 2019, on the large number of creative talents who come from outside large cities © 2019
Cities The chief function of the city is to convert power into form, energy into culture, dead matter into the living symbols of art, biological reproduction into social creativity. Lewis Mumford, The City in History © 2021
Cities For all the emphasis we place on our multicutural cities, they epitomise our oligarchic reality. In the U.S., the more liberal a city's politics, the higher the rate of inequality. Edward Luce, The Retreat of Western Liberalism  © 2017
Cities If a city is not borderline unlivable, I question its greatness. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, October 7, 2022 © 2022
Cities In no civilization is city life evolved independently of commerce and industry. Neither antiquity nor modern times show any exception to this rule. Henri Pirenne, Medieval Cities © 2023
Cities Modern “megacities” (defined as places with at least 10 million inhabitants) are the biggest human settlements in history, and growing every day. The world had ten megacities in 1990, 33 in 2018 and will have 43 by 2030, says the United Nations. Over a third of their population growth will be in India, China and Nigeria. Simon Kuper, Financial Times, June 2, 2022 © 2022
Cities Our great, global cities are turning into vast gated citadels where the elite reproduces itself. Simon Kuper, Financial Times, June 14, 2103 © 2018
Cities People do not move to big cities to meet different kinds of people. They move there to meet like-minded people: the ones they could not find in their ambitionless suburb or waning town. Even in London, the centre of every profession in British life, people slide into work-defined tribes unless they actively fight against it. The one place where you can meet almost anyone becomes the one place where you probably won't. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, November 2/3, 2019 © 2019
Cities To the West's economic losers, cities like London and Chicago are not so much magnets but death stars. Edward Luce, The Retreat of Western Liberalism  © 2017
Cities Urban renewal means Negro removal. James Baldwin © 2019
Cities We shall solve the problem of the city by leaving the city. Henry Ford © 2019