Citizens United

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Citizens United The day before Citizens United  was decided, our democracy was already broken. Citizens United  may have shot the body, but the body was already cold. Lawrence Lessig © 2020
Citizens United Every piece of this is wrong. Money is not speech. Corporations are not people. And looking at the message and not the messenger would allow any entity's message into our politics, even foreign ones. Then add in anonymity and the problem goes toxic, as we now see in our country today. “We the people” becomes “we the hidden anything with money.” Sheldon Whitehouse, June 8, 2021 © 2021
Citizens United Justice is nothing else than the interests of the stronger. Thrasymachus, affirmed © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: A golden key can open any door © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: He who pays the piper calls the tune © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: Money talks © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: The voice of the poor has no echo © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: You get what you pay for © 2015