Economic growth

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Economic growth An economy with a short-term horizon is an economy with a slow growth rate. Joseph Stiglitz, People, Power and Profits © 2019
Economic growth Clearly what the typical American understands by growth differs greatly from that of macroeconomists. GDP numbers insist we are doing well, at a time when half the country is suffering from personal recession. Edward Luce, The Retreat of Western Liberalism  © 2017
Economic growth The empires built by bankers and merchants in frock coats and top hats defeated the empires built by kings and noblemen in gold clothes and shining armour. The mercantile empires were simply much shrewder in financing their conquests. Nobody wants to pay taxes, but everyone is happy to invest. Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens © 2016
Economic growth Ideas were the steam power of the Great Enrichment. Dierdre Nansen McCloskey, Bettering Humanomics  © 2021
Economic growth Its [International Monetary Fund's] researchers find that, provided it is well-directed, public investment is particularly powerful in uncertain times. The most striking effect is on boosting private businesses' willingness to invest: raising public investment by 1 per cent of gross domestic product raises private investment by more than 10 per cent. Martin Sandbu, Financial Times, October 11, 2020 © 2020
Economic growth A pin lies in wait for every bubble. Warren Buffett © 2016
Economic growth The tendency of capital to go from one rich country to another and more recently even to flow “upward” from poor to rich countries, as rich people from poor countries, fearful for their money and lives, invest abroad, has been termed the “Lucas paradox.” Branko Milanovic, The Haves and the Have Nots © 2019
Economic growth The third quarter of the Twentieth Century was a golden age of economic progress. It surpassed any reasoned expectations. And we are not likely to see its equivalent soon again. Marc Levinson, An Extraordinary Time © 2016
Economic growth U.S. economic leadership came from mass education, not from a small elite of billionaires. They have never been the source of U.S. prosperity, and they will never be. Thomas Piketty, New York Times, April 1, 2022 © 2022
Economic growth We are bringing our country back and a big focus is exactly that, with the, uh, minorities, specifically, if you look at, uh, the Asians. Donald Trump, May 19, 2020 © 2020
Economic growth We have an economy that’s so fragile, and the only reason it’s running now  is it’s running off the fumes of what we did. It’s just running off the fumes. And when there’s a crash — I hope  it’s going to be during this next 12 months  because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. Donald Trump, January 8, 2024, hoping for an economic disaster for millions because he thinks it's good for him politically [Trump and Hoover are the only presidents to leave office with fewer people employed  than when they entered —  2 million in his case. He didn't leave fumes behind; he left odors.] © 2024
Economic growth What we Republicans should stand for is growth in the economy. We ought to make the pie higher. George W. Bush © 2015
Economic growth When the US has a party, the rest of the world gets an invitation. A European strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management quoted in Financial Times, March 22, 2021, on the likely effect of Biden's $1.9tn stimulus on increasing imports of consumer goods to the U.S. from countries like China © 2021