Fox News

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Fox News And on November 21, Carlson texted [[name redacted]] that it was “shockingly reckless” to claim that Dominion rigged the election “[i]f there's no one inside the company willing to talk, or internal Dominion documents or copies of the software showing that they did it” and “as you know there isn't.” Dominnion Voting System v. Fox News Network [references to exhibits omitted] © 2023
Fox News As election conspiracies and false claims of fraud began to emerge in the days following the election, Fox knew the truth.  Fox Chief Political Correspondent Bret Baier stated privately on November 5: “There is NO evidence of fraud. None.” Dominnion Voting System v. Fox News Network © 2023
Fox News As far back as 2007 researchers learned that the mere presence of Fox News on a cable system increased Republican vote share by nearly 1 percent. A more recent study esti- mates that a miniscule 150 seconds per week of watching Fox News can increase the Republican vote share. In a study of real-life impact, researchers found that this means the mere existence of Fox News on a cable system induced somewhere between 3 and 8 percent of non-Republicans to vote for the Republican Party in the 2000 presidential  election. A more recent study estimates that Fox News produced a Republican increase of 3.59 point in the 2004 share of the two-party presidential vote and 6.34 points in 2008. That's  impact. Kevin Drum, Mother Jones, September/October 2021 © 2021
Fox News At one point, Murdoch explained the decision to let [Mike] Lindell run ads for his company, MyPillow, as a strictly financial — rather than political — move, saying: “It is not red or blue — it is green,” according to Monday's court filing.  Forbes, February 28, 2023, reporting on Rupert Murdoch's deposition in Dominion Voting Systems's lawsuit againt Fox News for knowingly spreading false claims about its voting machines and Trump's big lie about fraud during the 2020 elections [Lindell often appeared on Fox News shows, which never questioned his lies on air] © 2023
Fox News Carlson told Hannity: “Please get her [Jacqui Heinrich] fired … Seriously … What the fuck? I'm actually shocked … It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It's measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.” Dominnion Voting System v. Fox News Network [Heinrich had fact-checked a tweet by Trump alleging fraud by Dominion Voting Systems and reported that top election infrastructure officials  said “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” Hannity said "She has serious nerve doing this and if this gets picked up, viewers are going to be further disgusted.” Heinrich deleted the tweet the next day.] © 2023
Fox News Fox knew. From the top down,  Fox knew "the dominion stuff" was "total bs." Yet despite knowing the truth — or at minimum, recklessly disregarding that truth — Fox spread and endorsed these "outlandish voter fraud claims" about Dominion even as it internally recognized the lies as "crazy," "absurd" and "shockingly reckless." The colorful choices of words used by so many Fox employees all try to capture the same basic truth about these inherently improbable allegations: These claims were false, and obviously so. Dominnion Voting System v. Fox News Network [references to exhibits omitted] © 2023
Fox News Fox's great insight wasn't necessarily that there was a great desire for a conservative point of view. The genius was seeing that there's an attraction to fear-based, anger-based politics that has to do with class and race. Blair Levin © 2019
Fox News Funny how, according to my brother, Fox could be so truthful about everything else and lie about the one person he actually knew. Yeah, real funny. Elizabeth Warren, Persist, on Fox News' coverage of her during the 2020 presidential primaries © 2021
Fox News A hate-for-profit racket. Elizabeth Warren © 2019
Fox News It's changed a lot. Before, it was conservative, but it wasn't crazy. Now it's just propaganda. Bill Kristol © 2019
Fox News It's the closest we've come to having state TV. Nicole Hemmer © 2019
Fox News A mountain of direct evidence demonstrates actual malice without resort to motive or other circumstantial factors. But why did Fox peddle this false narrative to its viewers? Fox's correct call of Arizona for Joe Biden triggered a backlash among its audience and "the network [was] being rejected." Rival networks such as Newsmax took advantage of the opening by promoting "an alternative universe" of election fraud. So Fox went on "war footing" caring more about protecting its own falling viewership than about the truth. Dominnion Voting System v. Fox News Network [references to exhibits omitted] © 2023
Fox News Our job is not to provide news coverage. Not even close. Our job is to explain what things mean. Tucker Carlson, January 6, 2021,  to a Fox News colleague who expressed concern about the effects of lies about election fraud that Fox News hosts had repeatedly spread on air in the days leading up to January 6 © 2023
Fox News The President's world view is being specifically shaped by what he sees on Fox News, but Fox's goals are ratings and money, which they get by maximizing rage. It's not a message that is going to serve the rest of the country. Max Gertz © 2019
Fox News These days the branding of Fox News as “Fair and Balanced”  often seems primarily to serve the purpose of proving that irony is not dead. Stuart Stevens, It Was All a Lie © 2020
Fox News To an extent that many people still don't recognize, Fox News is a grinding, daily cesspool of white grievance, mistrust of deep-state government, and a belief that liberals are literally trying to destroy the country out of sheer malice. Facebook and other social media outlets might have made this worse over the past few years — partly by acting as a sort of early warning system for new outrages bubbling up from the grassroots that Fox anchors can draw from — but Fox News remains the wellspring. Kevin Drum, Mother Jones, September/October 2021 © 2021
Fox News A total of 19 people have migrated from working at Fox News to serve in the Trump administration. Daniel W. Drezner, The Toddler in Chief [as of July 22, 2019] © 2020