
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Healthcare B83 and W76-2 are not vitamins. Avoid using them. © 2022
Healthcare Cost of iPhone: $399 Cost of healthcare for 1 year: $10,345 Hearing @jasoninthehouse compare the 2 as if they are the same: priceless Gavin Newson, @GavinNewsom, 7 Mar 2017 © 2017
Healthcare Every time you are seen by a doctor or a nurse, every time a test is run, the algorithms of the hospital duel with the algorithms of the insurance company to see who will make how much money. Timothy Snyder, Malady © 2021
Healthcare House Republicans make healthcare great again by passing Trumpcare bill offering two options: Go broke   OR   Go without May 4, 2017 © 2017
Healthcare “I am lucky I can get my teeth looked at because I'm dating a dental hygienist. But” — here he showed me his white-toothed grin — “I can't date a dental hygienist and  a cardiologist.” A childhood friend who lives paycheck to paycheck, quoted by Atul Gawande in  The New Yorker, October 10, 2017 © 2017
Healthcare It has become something of a convenience to refer to the whole endeavor as the "Health Industry." This provides the illusion that it is in a general way all one thing, and that it turns out, on demand, a single, unambiguous product, which is health. Thus, health care has become  the new name for medicine. Health-care delivery is what doctors now do, along with hospitals and other professionals who work with doctors, now known collectively as the health providers. The patients have become health consumers. …  the government has officially invented new insti-  tutions called Health Maintenance Organizations … spreading across the country like post offices, ready to distribute in neat packages, as though from a huge newly stocked inventory, health. Lewis Thomas, The Lives of a Cell © 2022
Healthcare It was in his self-neglect, rather than his hostility, that my father found common cause with the tens of millions of American patients who collectively hobble our health-care system. … Could the problem with with the American health-care system lie not only with the American system but with American patients? David Freedman, The Atlantic, July 2019 © 2019
Healthcare Last year, the share of physicians who work as employees surpassed the portion that owns their practice for the first time, according to the AMA. Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2019 © 2019
Healthcare Now, the effects of Covid and the promise of more federal spending on health are fuelling investor interest in areas such as psychiatry practices, home healthcare and even hospice care. Dangers lie ahead. “Think about how private equity will make money in something like hospice,” says [Eileen] Appelbaum [of the Center for Economic and Policy Research]. “They'll cut the seasoned staff trained to help families understand and cope with the process of dying, and hire people who might be able to help clean the house.” Welcome to healthcare, American style. Rana Foroohar, Financial Times, April 10, 2022 © 2022
Healthcare Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper, alternative if it is terminated in the Supreme Court. Would be a big WIN for the USA! Donald Trump, 10:09 AM – Sep 27, 2020, instructing Amy Coney Barrett and sitting Republican justices on the Court to kill Obamacare during a pandemic and in a transition period between administrations  © 2020
Healthcare One recent study shows that, between 1970 and 2016, the earnings that laborers received fell twenty-one per cent. But their total compensation, taken to in- clude the cost of their benefits (in particu- lar, health care), rose sixty-eight per cent. Increases in health-care costs have devoured take-home pay for those below median income. At the same time, the system practically begs employers to reduce the number of less skilled workers they hire, by outsoourcing or automating their positions. Atul Gawande, New Yorker, March 16, 2020 © 2020
Healthcare Only 24 million will lose insurance? Only 52 million will be uninsured? That's not enough, God dammit!  Republican Party House Freedom to Die Caucus Justin Amash (MI) Jeff Duncan (SC) Alex Mooney (WV) Brian Babin TX) Trent Franks (AZ) Gary Palmer (AL) Rod Blum (IA) Tom Garrett, Jr. (AZ) Steve Pearce (NM) Dave Brat (VA) Paul Gosar (AZ) Scott Perry (PA) Jim Bridenstine (OK) Morgan Griffith (VA) Ted Poe (TX) Mo Brooks (AL) Andy Harris (MD) Bill Posey (FL) Ken Buck (CO) Jody Hice (GA) Mark Sanford (SC) Warren Davidson (OH) Jim Jordan (OH) Dave Schweikert (AZ) Ron DeSantis (FL) Raul Labrador (ID) Randy Weber (TX) Scott DesJarlais (TN) Thomas Massie (KY) Ted Yoho (FL) Mark Meadows (NC) © 2017
Healthcare Opposing healthcare because you suspect it helps the underserving is like pushing smeone off a cliff and then jumping yourself, thinking that your fall will be cushioned by the corpse of the person you murdered. Timothy Snyder, Malady © 2021
Healthcare So maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. Jason Chaffetz, who believes iPhones and healthcare cost the same © 2017
Healthcare Then the agreement collapsed. Mark Meadows, Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, insisted the drugmakers pay for $100 cash cards that would be mailed to  seniors before November – “Trump Cards,” some in the industry called them. Some of the drugmakers bridled at being  party to what they feared would be seen as  an 11th-hour political boost for Mr. Trump, the people familiar with the matter said. New York Times, September 18, 2020, on why attempts to make a deal with pharmaceutical companies to lower drug prices failed  © 2020
Healthcare Trump says Obamacare will be terminated after November poll Headline, print edition, Financial Times, September 28, 2020 [Headline in the online edition was, Trump raises prospect of Supreme Court striking down health law] © 2017
Healthcare We're not going to make an American do what they don't want to do. You get it [healthcare] if you want it. That's freedom. Paul Ryan, promoting Trumpcare's promise to poor people of their freedom to be uninsured and to die from preventable conditions, and its promise to rich people of their freedom to use tax savings to take yet another vacation © 2017
Healthcare We will probably have an AI family doctor on our smartphone years before we have a reliable nurse robot. Yuval Noah Harari, Nature, October 19, 2017 © 2017
Healthcare You have better healthcare than we do. Donald Trump to Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia, which has government-funded healthcare for all Australians and permanent residents, just hours after House Republicans repealed parts of Obamacare, which Trump called for during his campaign © 2017
Healthcare You have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead. You will glow in the dark on this one.  Nancy Pelosi, to House Republicans, on passing their Trumpcare bill, May 4, 2017  © 2017