
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Innovation The ATM has been the only useful innovation in banking for the past 20 years. Paul Volcker, December 8, 2009 © 2017
Innovation  David Edgerton of King's College London,  Britain's foremost historian of technology, argues that “Only in techno-nationalist fantasies…does national invention drive national economic growth. In the real world, global innovation leads to national growth, and national innovation leads to global growth.” At most times and places, most of the technology which creates growth is imported from elsewhere, not made at home. The Economist, January 16, 2021 © 2021
Innovation The idea of a single moment of inspiration, of the apple landing on young Isaac Newton's head, stirs the soul, even if it turns out to be apocryphal. In contrast, the idea that innovation occurs in fits and starts, with one person adapting a concept already in use and another figuring out how to make a profit from it, has little appeal. The world likes heroes, even if the worshipful story of one person's heroics is rarely an accurate representation of the complex path of technological advance. Marc Levinson, The Box © 2016
Innovation M & A is the new R & D © 2015
Innovation One good test is worth a thousand expert opinions. Werner von Braun  © 2022
Innovation  The process of approval was at odds with the process of improvement. Joshua Rothman, The New Yorker, March 8, 2021, on how making even the most minor change to an FDA-approved artificial heart requires that the entire heart be re-submitted for approval, which may take a decade  © 2021
Innovation To innovate, you must make  saying at DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] © 2017