the Internet

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Internet The average person is online for six hours 58 minutes a day, or 40 per cent of their waking time, estimates a report by GWI,  Hootsuite and We Are Social.  You can do your job, conduct relationships and entertain yourself online, all for the cost of a phone.  And that's before virtual reality takes off. Beat that, so-called “real” life. Simon Kuper, Financial Times, May 19, 2022 © 2022
Internet Don't believe everything you read on the Internet. — Thomas Jefferson Lee McIntyre, Post-Truth © 2019
Internet First, you figure out who people are and what they like. Then, you provide them with content and services that best fit them. Finally, you tune to get the fit just right. Your identity shapes your media. Ed Pariser, The Filter Bubble © 2019