Iraq War

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Iraq War $1,700,000,000,000 pissed away, and counting © 2015
Iraq War As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have a later time. Donald Rumsfeld, 2004, response to a soldier who asked why, nearly two years after the start of the war, soldiers had to pick through landfills to find scrap metal to up-armor vehicles with needed protection against IEDs (improvised explosive devices) © 2015
Iraq War Bush Lied, People Died antiwar slogan © 2016
Iraq War I was for it when six out of ten were for it. I'm for it when six out of ten are against it. Rudy Giuliani © 2018
Iraq War In Iraq, we joke that the best way not to get arrested is to be seen running toward the scene of an explosion. Eric Fair, Consequence: A Memoir © 2016
Iraq War The Iraq War is like the sun: no one wants to stare at it too long. Matt Taibbi, “Bush vs. the Mother” © 2017
Iraq War My Sudanese translator struggles to understand my English. The detainee struggles to understand the dialect of the tranlator. The translator struggles to understand the Arabic of the detainee. I struggle to understand the English of the translator. It takes nearly two hours to collect enough information to write a report that says, “Detainee doesn't seem to understand questions about chemical weapons.” Eric Fair, Consequence: A Memoir © 2016
Iraq War So many bodies were found floating in the Tigris that some Iraqis stopped eating fish, claiming its flavor had changed from nibbling on human flesh. Dead animals were used to conceal roadside bombs. Bodies of dead Iraqis were booby-trapped to blow up relatives who approached them. Mentally disabled children were turned into suicide bombers. Funerals were frequently the target of attacks. The morgues were full of mutilated bodies: If the head was cut off, it was Shia; if the head was drilled through, it was Sunni. Emma Sky, The Unraveling © 2015
Iraq War This is the place where two existential dead ends have come around in a circle to meet in an irreconcilable explosion of violence — the bureaucratic ennui and intellectual confusions of modern civilized man versus the recalcitrant prehistoric fanaticism of Al Qaeda's literally cave-dwelling despotic mob. Matt Taibbi, “Fort Apache, Iraq” © 2017
Iraq War Tyler and Hoagie … take a few minutes to show us how to use the chair. Captain Dent looks on as they explain to us how the Palestinian chair works. It takes only a few minutes. The chair forces you to support all of your weight with your thighs. Once they give out, you basically start to suffocate. They say everyone breaks in the chair. Eric Fair, Consequence: A Memoir © 2016
Iraq War When I arrived, one of the questions put to me was, “What do we need to do to be loved?” I told them that people who invaded other people's countries, and killed people who were no threat to them, would never be loved. Emma Sky, political adviser to General Ray Odierno © 2015