
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Religion Between ourselves, I have ever observed supercelestial opinions and subterranean manners to be of singular accord. Michel de Montaigne, "Of Experience" © 2022
Religion Crowds Rushing to See Pope Trample 6 To Death headline, Journal Star [Peoria, Ill.], July 9, 1980 © 2016
Religion From about 2007 to 2019, the over-  whelming majority of countries we studied —43 out of 49—became less religious. The decline in belief was not confined to high-income countries and appeared across most of world. … Several forces are driving this trend, but the most powerful one is the waning hold of a set of beliefs closely linked to the imperative of maintaining high birthrates. Modern societies have become less religious in part because they no longer need to up- hold the kinds of gender and sexual norms that the major world religions instilled for centuries. Ronald Inglehart, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2020 © 2020
Religion “I just don't know,” Anne Dudley said. “Did I  hurt my knees yesterday afternoon  doing the Stations of the Cross? Or did I do it falling down drunk last night?” That, in a nutshell, is the spirit of Southern Episcopalianism. Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays, Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral © 2018
Religion If religion were a thing money could buy, The rich would live and the poor would die. traditional © 2017
Religion The intentions in France and the United States seem similar, but they are not the same. The United States, in guaranteeing freedom of religion, sought to shield religion from state involvement. France, in guaranteeing freedom of religion, sought to shield the state from religious involvement. This distinction has consequences. Rachel Donadio, The Atlantic, December 2021 © 2022
Religion It once was generally assumed that religious beliefs shaped political views, not the other way round. But recent evidence indicates that the causality can run the other way:  panel studies have found that many people change their political views first and then become less religious. Ronald Inglehart, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2020 © 2020
Religion It would be too bad if Jesus Were to come back black. There are so many churches Where he could not pray In the U.S.A., Where entrance to Negroes, No matter how sanctified, Is denied, Where race, not religion, Is glorified. But say it — You  may be Crucified. “Bible Belt” by Langston Hughes © 2017
Religion Our government makes no sense, unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith – and I don't care what it is. Dwight Eisenhower © 2021
Religion A serious house on serious earth it is, In whose blent air all our compulsions meet, Are recognised, and robed as destinies. And that much never can be obsolete, Since someone will forever be surprising A hunger in himself to be more serious, And gravitating with it to this ground, Which, he once heard, was proper to grow wise in, If only that so many dead lie round. Philip Larkin, “Church Going” © 2016
Religion Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small. Reverend John Hale, in Arthur Miller's The Crucible © 2016
Religion There's always a Mormon around when you don't want one, trying your patience with unsolicited kindness. David Foster Wallace © 2020
Religion When a thousand people believe some made-up story for a month – that's fake news. When a billion people believe it for a thousand years – that's a religion. Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century  © 2018