
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Sex Are you going to come quietly, or am I going to have to use ear plugs? The Goon Show,  January 20, 1959 © 2016
Sex A comparative sociological study of East and West Germany conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women. Researchers marveled at this disparity in reported sexual satisfaction, especially since East German women suffered from the notorious double burden of formal employment and housework. In contrast, postwar West German women had stayed home and enjoyed all the labor-saving devices produced by the roaring capitalist economy. But they had less sex, and less satisfying sex, than women who had to line up for toilet paper. Kristen R. Ghodsee © 2019
Sex Folks should do their own fuckin', then they wouldn't want to listen to a lot of clatfart about another man's. D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterly's Lover © 2016
Sex Good Lord—what does it matter whether one copulates or doesn't copulate? Gustave Flaubert, letter to Paul Alexis, December 8, 1879 Trans. by Francis Steegmuller © 2016
Sex A good rule of thumb is: ‘Biology enables. Culture forbids.’ Biology is willing to tolerate a very wide spectrum of possibilities. It's culture that obliges people to realise some possibilities while forbidding others. Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens © 2016
Sex He always have orgasm and he doesn't wait for me to have orgasm. Lorena Bobbitt, Ecuadoran-born wife of John Wayne Bobbitt, explaining why she cut off his penis with a kitchen knife while he slept, and then fled with it in a car and threw it into a field before calling the police  © 2018
Sex He arrived here and immediately ran off to meet with Moscow prostitutes? This is an adult and, moreover, a man who for many years has organised beauty contests. He socialised with the most beautiful women in the world. I can hardly imagine he rushed to the hotel to meet our girls of lower social responsibility – even though they are the best in the world, of course. Vladimir Putin, on allegations concerning Trump's behavior with prostitutes at a hotel in Moscow during a visit for the 2013 Miss Universe pageant © 2017
Sex I'll be obsessed when I'm eighty exactly as I was when I was eighteen. Philip Roth, when middle-aged © 2021
Sex I'm not into golden showers. Donald Trump, answering a question the GOP donors he was addressing didn't ask © 2021
Sex If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong woman. Donald Trump © 2022
Sex If you tell a man he is wanted, and you do it when you are making that very clear, he will remember your words longer than you do. You can fix people a little bit, plus there are orgasms and cuddling. I couldn't design a better therapy. Linda Tirado, Hand to Mouth  © 2016
Sex “In this third season of Harley Quinn, we had a moment where Batman was going down on Catwoman,” Justin Halpern said. “And DC [Comics] was like, ‘You can’t do that. You absolutely cannot do that.’ They're like, ‘Heroes don't do that.’” Continued Halpern: “So, we said, ‘Are you saying heroes are just selfish lovers?’ They were like, ‘No, it's that we sell consumer toys for heroes. It's hard t sell a toy if Batman is also going down on someone.’” Hollywood Reporter, June 15, 2021 © 2021
Sex “Integration,” said a very light Negro to me in Alabama, “has always worked very well in the South, after the sun goes down.” “It's not miscegenation,” said another Negro to me, “unless a black man's involved.” James Baldwin, “Nobody Knows My Name: A Letter from the Sourth” © 2017
Sex Sexual intercourse began In nineteen sixty-three (Which was rather late for me) – Between the end of the Chatterly  ban And the Beatles' first LP. Philip Larkin, “Annus Mirabillis” © 2016
Sex Want to know why women don't blink during foreplay? Not enough time. Joan Rivers © 2015