
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Slavery America freed the slaves in 1863 through the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln,  but gave the slaves no land, and nothing in reality, as a matter of fact, to get started on. At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest, which meant that there was a willingness to give the white peasants from  Europe an economic base. And yet, it refused to  give its black peasants from Africa, who came here involantarily in chains, and had worked free for 244 years, any kind of economic base. And so, emancipation for the Negro was really freedom to hunger. It was freedom to the winds and rains of heaven. It was freedom without food to eat or land to cultivate, and therefore it was freedom and famine at the same time. Martin Luther King, Jr. © 2023
Slavery Boy, that is just not good. Donald Trump, reflecting on slavery at the National Museum of African American History and Culture © 2017
Slavery [Gale] Norton [George W. Bush's Secretary of the Interior] describes slavery as a “bad fact,” legal parlance for an irrelevancy that inconveniently muddies the judicial waters, like smog on a day when a corporate polluter is defending itself in court. Eric Foner, “Southern Comfort” © 2017
Slavery I think it was great at the time when families were united – even though we had slavery – they cared for one another.  Roy Moore, when asked when he thought the last time America was great  © 2017
Slavery  Slavery didn't end in 1865. It just evolved. It turned into decades of terrorism, violence and lynching. Bryan Stevenson, 2017 Tanner Lecture on Human Values, Harvard Univrsity, December 7, 2017 © 2021
Slavery  Slavery has always been a global problem. Americans sometimes refer to it as their country's “original sin”. Europeans look back in horror at the way their ancestors plundered entire continents for riches. But implicit in both cases is the false idea that slavery is a legacy of the past. In fact, not only are the effects of historical slavery still felt today, there are also more people living in slavery now than at any time in history. Grace Forrest, co-founder of Walk Free, Financial Times, December 22, 2020 © 2020
Slavery Slavery is not abolished until the black man has the ballot. While the legislatures of the south retain the right to pass laws making any discrimination between black and white, slavery still lives there. Frederick Douglass, Speech delivered at the American Arts Society in New York City (May 10, 1855) © 2021
Slavery The true evil of American slavery wasn’t involuntary servitude. It was the narrative of racial difference, the ideology of white supremacy that we made up to justify slavery. That’s the true evil. Bryan Stevenson, 2017 Tanner Lecture on Human Values, Harvard Univrsity, December 7, 2017 © 2021
Slavery What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. Frederick Douglass, July 5, 1852 © 2020