Sleepers at the wheel

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Sleepers at the wheel The United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division  © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Abortion is never necessary to save a woman's life © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Absolutely I would do that. Kelly Ayotte, Republican Senator from New Hampshire, when asked if she would point to Trump as a good role model for kids [later she said she “misspoke”] © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say “Always lean to the green” refers to protecting the environment © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Am I ever wrong? © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say America is a classless society © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say And there is, I am certain, among the Iraqi people, a respect for the care and the precision that went into the bombing campaign. Donald Rumsfeld, 2003 © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say And we love it when you build cars – if you're a Japanese firm, we love it – try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask? That's not rude.  Is that rude? I don't think so. Donald Trump, Tokyo speech, November 6, 2017, to American and Japanese business leaders © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Anonymity guarantees privacy © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Any job is better than no job © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Appearances don't count © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Arbitration benefits all parties © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Arbitration is not in the pocket of corporations © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Automation doesn't threaten mass unemployment or greater inequality © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Ballpark food tastes best © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Because of their uniqueness, they deserve whatever the market will bear © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Being for regulation means being against innovation © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Blacks are responsible for their oppression © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say The blight of racial discrimination in voting has been halted © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Businessmen can run government better than politicians a.k.a. “the businessman fallacy” © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Businessmen know best about what't good for the country  © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say By God, we have kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all. George W. Bush, March, 1991, at the end of the Persian Gulf War © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Charter schools are better than other schools © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say China must become more like us © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Close relatives can give presidents more candid advice than any outsider © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Collecting sales taxes for more than one state is too difficult to implement © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Company directors are obligated to maximize shareholder value © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Competition is just a click away. If you don't like a particular service, switching is as easy as going to another website or app. Michael Beckerman © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Countries having a McDonald's don't go to war with each other  © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say The customer is always right © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Deferred prosecution agreements and non-prosecution agreements deter “crime in the suites” © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Donald Trump would never lie under oath © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Donald Trump's not a racist © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Entertainers can run government better than politicians © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Evangelicals would stop supporting Donald Trump if evidence came forward that the phrase “paternity information” in his boilerplate non-disclosure agreement for women he's had an affair with is aimed at preventing them from disclosing information about abortions he's paid for © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Every Justice seeks to follow high ethical standards, and the Judicial Conference's Code of Conduct provides a current and uniform source of guidance designed with specific reference to the needs and obligations of the federal judiciary. John Roberts, albeit in 2011, about members of his Supreme Court © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say The federal government does not have the authority to come down into the states and control its land and resources. Ammon Bundy © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Finish what's on your plate © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say The force is not broken. It is a force that has been deployed, functioned effectively and, as I say, battlefield-hardened. Donald Rumsfeld, 2006, denying the Iraq War is “breaking” the Army, as alleged in a Pentagon-sponsored report © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Form follows function © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say The Founding Fathers wanted “the people” to rule © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Fox News commentators  can run government better than politicians © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Getting firms to bring money home by lowering taxes on profits earned abroad will create more jobs for humans here than for robots © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say “Government spending” means spending on undeserving nonworking and nonwhite people © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say The government that governs least governs best © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say “Great” in “Make America Great Again” doesn't mean “White” © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say The gun lobby may hold Congress hostage, but they cannot hold America hostage. Barack Obama © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Having an industrial policy is a sign of a nation's weakness © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Health is priceless © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say He's just simply saying, “Gosh, if they're out there somewhere, I would like to see them.” Mike Pence, explaining why Donald Trump asked Russian hackers to illegally hack into Hillary Clinton's emails © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Higher productivity results in higher wages © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Homeless people are homeless because they want to be © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations, we don't operate on innuendo and we don't operate on incomplete information and we don't operate on leaks. Barack Obama © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say I don't do quagmires. Donald Rumsfeld © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say I don't even know — nobody even knows what it is. Donald Trump, claiming no knowledge of the nativist and white supremacist alt-right movement, whose members strongly support him, and despite the fact that Steve Bannon, CEO of his presidential campaign, described Breitbart News, the company he led before being appointed CEO, as “the platform for the alt-right” © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say I don't know anything about him. Somebody told me yesterday, whoever he is, he did endorse me. Donald Trump, on David Duke, antisemitic white supremacist and former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who has been in the news since the 1970s and who Trump has commented on since the early 1990s © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say I don't think they care at all. I think you care. Donald Trump, claiming only reporters, and not the public, care whether he releases his tax returns © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say I had no choice. Donald Trump, on his decision to run for President © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say I have complete confidence in the capability of my colleagues to determine when recusal is warranted. They are jurists of exceptional integrity and experience whose character and fitness have been examined through a rigorous appointment and confirmation process. I know that they each give careful consideration to any recusal questions that arise in the course of their judicial duties. John Roberts, albeit in 2011, about members of his Supreme Court © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say  I never knew we had so many countries. Donald Trump © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say  I never thought anyone would ever do that © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say I think it's a mistaken concept that there's a body of this country that's loyal to a person — they're loyal to a country, most of them. Vivek Ramaswamy,, venture capitalist and multimillionaire who's vowed to spend $100 million of his money trying to win the Republican nomination (or to become Trump's running mate) in 2024 by moving to the right of him  © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind. You take somebody who has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee you, in a little while, they'll be right back up there. And you take somebody with the wrong mindset, you could give them everything in the world – they'll work their way back down to the bottom. Ben Carson © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say I’ve yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry. Yet today, I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don't have access to enough food to eat. Now. I should say that “hunger” is a relative term. I had a cereal bar for breakfast. I guess I'm hungry now. Republcan state Sentor Steve Drazkowski, explaining why he voted against providing free school meals in Minnesota, where an estimated one in six children face food insecurity and where there are at least a dozen food pantries in the district he represents © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say I would never dishonor my dad by hurting my last name by doing something stupid for money or for power. I'm not doing it. It's not my personality. Anthony Scaramucci © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say I lead an organization that is resolutely apolitical. James Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, an agency that's increasingly all white and unrepresentative of America © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say I trust Donald's judgment. Paul Ryan on Donald Trump  © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say If competition is good, more competition must be better © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say If he succeeds, we succeed © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say If the Electoral College were abolished, presidential candidates could simply campaign in the nation's largest states and cities – New York, LA, Chicago, Houston – and rack up enough votes to pretty much win any election. That's what the left wants – because in the large urban areas and blue states like New York and California, minorities are substantial. Bill O'Reilly, bloviator who doesn't know bubkes about electoral math  © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say In an emergency, even a Catholic hospital will provide abortion services because hospitals are prohibited from denying emergency care by medical ethics and  federal law © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say In choosing Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has chosen for the future. Rudy Giuliani © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say In every job that must be done There is an element of fun “A Spoonful of Sugar,” by Robert B. and Richard M. Sherman, for Mary Poppins   © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say  In every single war that America has fought we have never asked for land afterwards ‐ except for enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for that freedom we went in for. Kevin McCarthy, 8:36 PM – Nov 26, 2023 © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say Increasing aid to the poor reduces economic growth  © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Insurance companies pay beneficiaries of life insurance policies even when they fail to file a claim © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Israelis do not need to be lectured about the importance of peace by foreign leaders. Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say It can't happen here © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say It is a big mistake for us to grant any validity to international law even when it may seem in our short-term interest to do so– because, over the long term, the goal of those who think that international law really means anything are those who want to constrain the United States. John Bolton © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say  It is our love that defines us today. And always will. Forever. Donald Trump © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say It was an inadvertent oversight. Ted Cruz, on his failure to inform the Federal Election Commission about a $500,000 loan he received from Goldman Sachs, where his wife worked, when he ran for the Senate in 2012 © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say It's time to take the poison out of the pen and keyboard. Kellyanne Conway, calling for an end to criticism of Donald Trump king of conflicts of interest and America's biggest loser, by 2,864,974 votes © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say A job is the ticket out of poverty © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Journalism is content © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product — a sign of strength, right? but not for us — was below zero. Who ever heard of this? Donald Trump, presidential announcement speech, June 16, 2015 © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Look at the way I've been treated lately, especially by the press. No politician in history –and I say this with great surety– has been treated worse, or more unfairly. Donald Trump, Coast Guard Academy graduation address, May 17, 2017 © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Low taxes create shared prosperity © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Lower unemployment results in higher wages  © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say The major God-given responsibility, the state's primary calling, is to moralize a fallen world through the use of force. I think the best President is the one who is best going to use government as an adjudicator of wrongdoing. And I always thought that Trump would be the best at that. Ralph Drollinger, host of a Trump White House Bible-study group for Cabinet officers © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Many, if not most, NRA members are more reasonable than its leaders © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Markets are self-correcting © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Markets can be trusted to strengthen social welfare © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Mergers and acquisitions generally create more value than they destroy © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Money bail equals public safety © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Money held in tax havens earns little interest © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say More jobs means less racism © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say More schooling means more success  © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Multiculturalism is destroying America © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Never again © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say New Jersey was threatened like no other region in this country. Chris Christie, New Jersey governor, on post-9/11 threats of terrorism © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say No, the United States does not target civilians. Douglas Feith © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Nobody saw it coming © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. Ben Carson © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say One man, one vote – it's what America's all about © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Only government can be Big Brother © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Our public schools began as ministries of the church; now it is time to return them to the Lord. Jay Sekulow © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Our weapons are so smart they only kill the bad guys  © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say The poor have no one to blame but themselves © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Population growth translates into economic growth © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Poverty is the result of sin © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Power's not what the Constitution was about. Roy Moore © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say President-elect Donald Trump's transition  continues to go smoothly. Better than  smoothly. Confidently. More than  confidently. Transcendently. Larry Kudlow © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Prior to the election, it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world. Only the crooked media makes this a big deal! Donald Trump © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say The problem with climate change is there's never been a day in the history of the world in which the climate is not changing. Ted Cruz © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say The pure in heart need no lawyers. Deputy Governor Danforth, in Arthur Miller's The Crucible © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Racism is not part of the American DNA. Edward Blum © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say Raising the minimum wage leads to a loss of jobs © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Raising taxes on the rich reduces economic growth  © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Regional inequalities lessen over time because poorer and cheaper regions attract investment and grow faster than rich ones © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Renewables are a false hope that simply won't work. … intermittent renewables are parasitic on back-up power from reliable fossil fuels. Kathleen Hartnett-White, oil and gas industry propagandist and Donalds Trump's nominee to lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the office responsible for coordinating environmental and energy policies and improving the environment © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say The Republican Party is a much bigger tent than people give it credit for. We have a lot of what I guess you call moderate Republicans. Rudy Giuliani © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Republicans care about good government © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say  Republicans really do care about promoting the general welfare – you can take their word for it  © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Republicans would impeach Trump if he pardoned himself © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say The rest of the world doesn't admire America because of her wealth. They admire us for what is in our hearts.  Mitt Romney © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say The right to bear arms guarantees freedom © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say A rising tide lifts all boats © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say The rugged individualism that defines America has always been bound by a shared set of values, an enduring sense that we're in this together, that America is not a place where we simply turn away from the sick or turn our backs on the tired, the poor, the huddled masses. It is a place sustained by the idea “I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper.” Barack Obama © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Sam will never speak an untruth. It's just not in him. Barbara Fried, Sam Bankman-Fried's mother © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say Science leads you to killing people. Ben Stein © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Smart retailers are using digital to make their associates better at their jobs, not eliminate their jobs. An e-commerce analyst at Forrester Research, quoted in The Guardian, August 16, 2017 © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Stop complaining © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Smart retailers are using digital to make their associates better at their jobs, not eliminate their jobs. An e-commerce analyst at Forrester Research, quoted in The Guardian, August 16, 2017 © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Strong nations make great neighbors. Steve Bannon © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Stuff happens. Donald Rumsfeld, on mayhem in Baghdad following America's invasion of Iraq © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say The Supreme Court is not a political institution © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Surging economic confidence leads to surging household spending © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Talking back means your voice will be heard © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Tax cuts pay for themselves © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Tax cuts spur economic growth © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Teacher tenure is why our schools are failing © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Technology is everybody's friend © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say There are nothing but hardliners in Iran. Tom Cotton, Republican Senator from Arkansas, responding to critics who say he encouraged anti-American hardliners and threatened war by authoring the “stroke-of-a-pen” letter 47 Republican Senators signed and sent to Iran's leaders reminding them – and, by implication, all foreign leaders, including allies – that America can't be trusted to keep its word © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say There has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of. Mike Ditka © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say  There is no real evidennce that Mr. Trump wants to seize power unconstitutionally, and there is no reason to think he could succeed. Paranoia alone explains why fear that the republic is in imminent danger has been the dominant response [to Trump's election]. Samuel Moyn and David Priestland, New York Times, August 17, 2017  © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say There's a certain story that's dominating and winning now: We're a divided country. I don't know that that's necessarily true. As human beings, we have more in common with Trump voters, even with Nazis in Charlottesville, than what divides us. America Ferrera © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say There's no such thing as a Republican judge  or a Democratic judge. We just have judges in this country. Neil Gorsuch © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Things here can't really be that bad © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say This is America – things like that don't happen here © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say This is not a Muslim ban. Supporters of Trump's executive order that “temporarily” bans refugees and travelers from seven majority Muslim countries from entering the United States, while allowing entry of Christians from there and not applying to majority Muslim countries from which perpetrators of terrorist acts in the U.S. have come, or to majority Muslim countries where Trump does business, such as Egypt, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say This party does not prey on people's prejudices. Paul Ryan, Republican Party leader, reacting to Donald Trump's failure to reject support from racists and overlooking the Party's decades-long Southern strategy © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Trump  has the interests of the nation at heart © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Trump is of such a sensitive heart; he wants to please God. If he knew more of the Bible from a good Bible teacher it would really change his heart. Ralph Drollinger, host of a Trump White House Bible-study group for Cabinet officers © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Trump will grow in office © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Trump won the 2016 election fair and square © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Trumpism will not do lasting damage to the U.S. © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say The United States, under the Trump administration, will continue to be the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country on earth. Donald Trump, announcing America's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement  © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Voter fraud is very, very common. Donald Trump, explaining why “the election is rigged” © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Wages keep pace with productivity gains © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say We are living in perilous times where people who are Christian are on the brink of being criminalized for their convictions. Mike Huckabee © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say We cannot fight the Civil War again © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say We got over Watergate; we'll get over Trump © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say We have no choice. Donald Trump, on building a wall on the Mexican border, preventing Muslims from entering the U.S. © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say We're all this together © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say We're gonna make a bundle by licensing Trump's name © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say What is Aleppo? Gary Johnson, 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nominee, when asked what he would do, if elected, about Aleppo, the city under siege since 2012 in Syria's civil war © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say What kind of person is Donald Trump? © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say What's good for Silicon Valley is good for America © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say What's in the newspapers worth worrying about? George W. Bush © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say What's that? Donald Trump, when asked if he knew that he had just attacked a Gold Star family © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say When did we beat Japan at anything? Donald Trump, presidential announcement speech, June 16, 2015 © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say When you say divided states of America, I didn't divide them. I'm not president yet, so I didn't do anything to divide. Donald Trump, critcizing Time magazine's statement in its 2016 man-of-the-year issue that he will lead a divided states of America © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Where is there widespread evidence that we have a problem in America with discrimination against Muslims? Marco Rubio © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Who cares how big companies get if they cut prices? © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Whoever follows Trump in office will make America great again in the eyes of the world © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say Why is it fair that I should be paying a higher percentage of taxes than anyone else? billionaire Sheldon Adelson © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say The world's been made safe for democracy © 2018
Sleepers at the wheel say You can't be imprisoned for being poor © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on [a] completely trumped-up pre-text. John Kerry © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say You really only need one book © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say You understand the expression “prime the pump”? Have you heard that expression used before? I mean, I just…I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It's what you have to do. Yeah, what you have to do is you have to put something in before you can get something out. Donald Trump, defending raising deficits by cutting taxes on the rich, to the editors of The Economist, the world's foremost business magazine © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say  You've restored American credibility on the world stage. Mike Pence, third of the fourteen praises he lavished on Donald Trump in less than three minutes at the Cabinet meeting on December 20, 2017 © 2017