
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Veterans Almost a fifth of those arrested for the assault on Capitol Hill this year were former US military personnel — more than 20 times their share of the population. Edward Luce, Financial Times, September 11, 2021 © 2021
Veterans [F]or every $2 of the cuts Trump wants to make for services and benefits for veterans, which will total more than $154 billion over the next decade, Trump plans to give $3 to the adult children of millionaires and billionaires. Center for American Progress briefing, September 26, 2017 © 2018
Veterans In 1990, 40% of young Americans had a military veteran for a parent; in 2014 only 16% did. The Economist, October 28, 2017 © 2017
Veterans The vast majority of traumatized vets … return from wars that are safer than those that their fathers and grandfathers fought, and yet far greater numbers of them wind up alienated and depressed. This is true even for people who didn't experience combat.  In other words, the problem doesn't seem to be trauma on the battlefield as much as reentry into society. And vets are not alone in this. It's common knowledge in the Peace Corps that as stressful as life in a developing country can be, returning to a modern country can be far harder. Sebastian Junger, Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging © 2016
Veterans We salute our fallen heroes, and ignore them on our park benches. John Archibald © 2019
Veterans say I am twenty-one and the whole thing is shot, done forever. There is no real healing left anymore, everything that is going to heal already has healed and now I am left with the corpse, the living dead man, the man with the numb legs, the man in the wheelchair, the Easter Seal boy, the cripple, the sexlessman, the sexlessman, the man with the numb dick, the man who can't make children, the man who can't stand, the man who can't walk, the angry lonely man, the bitter man with the nightmares, the murder man, the man who cries in the shower. Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July © 2017
o Veterans say The military teaches you to kill, it doesn't teach you how to live with killing. Nobody wants to say, “I'm at the lowest point in my life, and I need help.” Nobody wants to say that. And nobody's saying, “Hey buddy, you fought for us, lemme help you.” We're forgetting them. Trump doesn't. A Gulf War veteran quoted in The Gilded Rage, by Alexander Zaitchik © 2016
Veterans say We're thankful for those thankful for the things we've done “Arlington,” lyrics by Jeremy Spillman and Dave Turnbull © 2015
o Veterans say The weird thing with being a veteran, at least for me, is that you do feel better than most people. You risked you life for something bigger than yourself. How many people can say that? You chose to serve. Maybe you didn't understaned American foreign policy or why we were at war. Maybe you never will. But it doesn't matter. You held up your hand and said, “I'm willing to die for these worthless civilians.” Phil Klay, “Psychological Operations” © 2016