
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Gun violence All developed nations regulate firearms more stringently than we do; compared with the citizens of twenty- two other high-income countries, Americans are ten times more likely to be killed by guns. In the past fifty years alone, more civilians have lost their lives to firearms within the United States than have been killed in uniform in all war in American history. Adam Hochschild, New York Review of Books, April 5, 2018 © 2018
Gun violence For the weary White House, Florida shooting offered a ‘reprieve’ from scandals  headline, Washington Post, February 19, 2018, referring to Trump White House officials admitting to feelings of temporary relief because press coverage of the killings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, pushed reports of spousal abuse by White House officials, Cabinet secretaries charging taxpayers for luxury travel, Trump's affair with a Playboy centerfold, Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians for interfering in our elections, Jared Kushner and other White House officials lacking permanent security clearances, etc. from the front pages © 2018
Gun violence Guy comes in, puts the gun in my ribs. And I just said, “I believe you want the guy behind the counter.” I redirected him … The resolution was, he went to the appropriate person behind the register, who gave him the money and he left the store running before the police got there. Ben Carson, on a robbery at a Popeye's in Baltimore © 2015
Gun violence I was a little bit shocked at that – it didn't have a bull's-eye on it. Richard Burr, Republican Senator from North Carolina, uttering surprise at seeing a rifle magazine with Hillary Clinton's picture on the cover without a bullseye © 2016
Gun violence Look, stuff happens. Jeb Bush, responding to a question about gun violence after a gunman killed 9 and wounded 7 at a community college in October, 2015 He later responded to the uproar over his comment by saying, “Things happen all the time. Things. Is that better?” © 2015
Gun violence Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, “Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can't get us all.” Ben Carson, on what he would do if a gunman like the one at Umpqua Community College walked up to him and asked his religion © 2015
Gun violence Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine. Barack Obama, after a gunman killed nine people at an Oregon college in October, 2015 © 2015
Gun violence Spinning bullets tend to ricochet inside the body at different angles, creating a far more damaging wound. (In fact, experimentation with the dynamical system consituted by a bullet and human flesh has produced a generation of bullets designed to create shock waves that rupture every internal organ.) Manuel De Landa, War in the Age of Intelligent Machines © 2015
Gun violence What – are you kidding me? I'm about to fly to Paris and shoot ‘em in the head myself! Michele Fiore, Republican Nevada Assemblywoman, explaining why she didn't sign a statement by Republicans in the state assemby opposing resettling Syrian refugees in the state © 2015
Gun violence When you hear the phrase, “armed compound in a secluded rural area,” what is that – a bunch of Democrats? Is that Dennis Kucinich out there? Bill Maher © 2015
Gun violence Whoop de do. Philip Van Cleave, president Virginia Citizens Defense League, on being told that there have been zero massacres in Australia since 1996, when sweeping gun control laws were implemented three months after a massacre in which 35 were killed, 23 wounded © 2015
Gun violence You can't solve it with a dialogue. You can't solve it with a summit. You solve it with a bullet to the head. It's the only thing these people understand. Andrea Tantaros, Fox News “Outnumbered” co-host, on America's “problem” with Muslims © 2015
Violence All workable social systems are predicated on creating reliable forms of cooperation among an extensive population and then distributing the fruits of that cooperation in ways that prevent the outbreak of catastrophic violence. Josiah Ober, The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece © 2021
Violence Any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind of guy. Donald Trump, complimenting Greg Gianforte for punching and body slamming a reporter during the 2016 campaign, for which he later pled guilty to misdemeanor assault © 2019
Violence By rich-world standards, America is a staggeringly violent country. The murder rate is six times higher than it is in Britain, France or Germany and 20 times higher than in Japan. In 2020, one in 700 black men aged 18 to 24 was murdered. Violence is now not only cutting short the lives of over 24,000 people per year. It is also devastating entire communities, as businesses and middle-class people leave crime-ridden neighborhoods. Plausible estimates put the social cost of murder at over $400bn per year, around 2% of America's GDP. The Economist, September 17, 2022 © 2022
Violence In the past, it was perfectly normal for all sorts of different groups, starting with family clans, to make use of physical violence. Today, in contrast, we would have to say that the state is the only  human community that (successfully) claims a  monopoly on physical violence  for itself, within a certain geographical territory (this territorial aspect is a defining feature.) Max Weber, “The Politician's Work” in Charisma and Disenchantment, translated by Damion Searls © 2020
Violence They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. We'll consider – and I told them – consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the Mexico military and police, I say consider it a rifle. Donald Trump, warning Central American refugees walking from southern Mexico to America's border they could be killed if they try to enter the United States © 2018
Violence Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. John F. Kennedy, March 13, 1962, Address on the First Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress © 2022
Violence Violence is the ultimate foundation of any political order. Peter L. Berger, An Invitation to Sociology © 2021
Violence While natural death became more and more smothered in prudery, violent death has played an ever-growing part in the fantasies offered to mass audiences–detective stories, thrillers, Westerns, war stories, spy stories, science fiction, and eventually horror comics. Geoffrey Gorer, “The Pornography of Death” © 2018