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Saturday 27th of July 2024 Available without prescription™ © 2015
Anti-intellectualism I have a gut and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else’s brain can ever tell me. Donald Trump © 2024
Capitalism Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell. Frank Borman © 2024
The Constitution of the United States [T]he proliferation of the language of “history and tradition” is turning origi- nalism from an ideology of constitutional interpretation into something more like a legal requirement.  Judges are expected to do historical analysis — not rigorous analysis, but the kind that a Fox News host will agree with.  Conservative originalists seem to see them- selves as the true heirs of the Founders, and therefore, when they examine the Founders, they can see only themselves, as if looking in a mirror. Adam Setwer, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Hypocrites say I find in life,  you can’t let people get away with bullshit. Donald Trump, whose entire career is based on getting away with bullshit © 2024
Immigration As the leader of our party, there is zero chance I will support this horrible open borders betrayal of America. I’ll fight it all the way. A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me.  I say, that’s OK. Please blame it on me.  Please. Donald Trump, January 28, 2024, proudly trying to block a bipartisan Senate border security bill that gives Republicans every border security provision they've been  clamoring for for years without providing a path to citizenship for immigrsnts already here, because he believes border security will be a winning issue for him in the 2024 election © 2024
Juries My advice to you is that you never disclose that you were on this jury. Judge Lewis Kaplan, to members of the jury after it awarded E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in her second defamation suit against Donald Trump [To ensure its safety, Kaplan kept the jury partially sequestered and fully anonymous and instructed its members to not reveal their real names to one another, given Trump's supporters' penchant for violence against his opponents] © 2024
Kwiplers say Count votes in Congress by: 1. Calculating a Member's Proportional Vote (MPV) for each member, as follows: MPV = SPNP / NLRS where: SPNP = State's Percentage of the National Population NLRS = Number of Legislators Representing the State (in that legislature) 2. Totaling “yes” MPVs and “no” MPVs 3. Passing if total MPV is more than 50 OTHERWISE Abolish the Senate © 2019
The military It didn’t sound too important to me. --> Donald Trump, defending wanting to divert $3.6 billion in funds to build base housing, schools, gyms and other projects benefitting service members and their families to build his pet project, a southern border wall © 2024
The military Trump and his allies understand that by leaving the military outside their political control the last time around, they also left intact a crucial bulwark against their plans.  They will not make the same mistake twice. --> Tom Nichols, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Money in politics Anybody that makes a “Contribution” to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. Donald Trump, Jan 24, 2024, 8:49 PM [By “Birdbrain,” Trump means Nikki Haley, not himself or his spawn. “MAGA camp” is a nationwide day camp where disinformed adults frolic and wallow.] © 2024
NATO I don't give a shit about NATO. Donald Trump © 2024
Pardons and commutations   I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? Donald Trump, 8:35 AM – Jun 4, 2018 © 2024
Planning Der Mensch Tracht, Un Gott Lacht [Man plans, and God laughs] Yiddish proverb © 2024
Post-2022 Senate shituation 15 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming) 2020 population: 40,737,128 Senators: 30 Republicans 1 Senator per 1,357,904 people 1 state (California) 2022 population: 39,995,077 Senators: 2 Democrats 1 Senator per 19,997,539 people 19,997,539 / 1,357,904 = 14.7, therefore: average 15er's vote is worth nearly 15 times a Californian's, a Californian's vote is worth less than 7% of an average 15er's 1 state (Wyoming) 2022 population = 579,495, therefore: 1 Senator per 289,748 Wyomians, a Wyomian's vote is worth 69 times a Californian's, a Californian's vote is worth 1.4% of a Wyomian's  © 2023
Public discourse Even when a comment is so extreme that it does break into the mainstream, what happens next is predictable. The first time Trump says something, people react with shock and compare him to Hitler. The second time, people say Trump is at it again. By the third time, it becomes background noise — an appalling but familiar part of the Trump shtick. David A. Graham, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Secession If Texas decides they want to do that, they can do that. If that whole state says, “We don’t want to be part of America anymore,” I mean, that’s their decision to make. Nikki Haley [The Supreme Court decided secession is unconstitutional in 1869] © 2024
Selfie  I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, any more than I want you to judge me for being pro-life. Nikki Haley © 2024
Selfie I voted for every pro-life bill that came before me. Nikki Haley [Including ones without exceptions for rape or incest] © 2024
Selfie I'm aspirationally Jewish. Elon Musk © 2024
Snapshot Say what you will about Joe Biden: He's allowd us to go days at a time without remembering he's there. Joe Biden portrayed by Jennifer Senior, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Snapshot I looked out, and he was nothing. He was nothing. He was a phantom. It was the people around him who were giving him power. He himself was nothing. It was an astonishing discovery for me. He’s nothing. We don’t need to be afraid of him. He can be knocked down. Donald Trump portrayed by E. Jean Carroll, January 29, 2024, who feared being in the same room with him for the first time since he raped her in 1996, after being awarded a total of $88.3 million in her second defamation suit against him [She was awarded $5 million in her first suit] © 2024
Snapshot Trump does much more than appeal to emotion. He insists that, in politics, emotion is all there is.  He interprets liberty as freedom from facts. More than a year after Trump lost the 2020 election, one of his voters was  asked why he continued to doubt the defeat. His reply: “It didn't smell right.” Donald Trump portrayed by Megan Garber, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Snapshot  No one can go as low as the president. You shouldn’t even try. Donald Trump portrayed by Jared Kushner © 2024
Trumpism If the first Trump presidency was, for the most part,  an improvised exercise in petty corruption, a second would likely consist of systemic abuse of the government.  There's a term to describe the sort of regime that might emerge on the other side: a Mafia state. --> Franklin Foer, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Trumpism The worst fate of the press in a second Trump term would be neither legal jeopardy nor financial ruin. It would be irrelevance. --> George Packer, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Wannabe autocrats say It's nice to have a strongman running your country. Donald Trump, January 20, 2024  © 2024
Want ad I am in the process, along with my team, of  interviewing various law firms to represent me  in an Appeal of one of the most ridiculous and  unfair Witch Hunts our Country has ever seen—  The defamation Sham presided over by a Clinton appointed, highly partisan, Trump Hating Judge, Lewis Kaplan, who was, together with certain other Radical Left Democrat Judges, one of the most partisan and out of control activists that I have ever appeared before. …  Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either “CRAZY,” or a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT. I will make my decision soon! Donald trump, Jan 30, 2024, 11:08 PM,  after a jury awarded E. Jean Carroll $88.3 million in her second defamation suit against him © 2024