
Monday 22nd of July 2024

2018 midterm elections No! Crowd's response when Trump asked them if he should tone it down just a little during his rally in Murphysboro, Illinois, on October 27, 2018, following the murder of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh earlier that day © 2018
Alt-righters say All enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews. The Daily Stormer style guide © 2018
Alt-righters say I have a very honed Jewdar. Mike Enoch, to an interviewer he didn't realize is Jewish © 2017
Alt-righters say Jews will not replace us! Jews will not replace us! Jews will not replace us! Blood and soil! Blood and soil! Blood and soil!  Chants repeated ad nauseum by Klansmen, neo-Nazis and white supremacists at the Unite the Right rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia, August 12-13, 2017 © 2017
Anti-Semitism That's not life for men and women, insult and hatred. Leopold Bloom, in the “Cyclops” episode in James Joyce's Ulysses  © 2022
Anti-Semitism You have said the actual truth Elon Musk, 4:52 PM – Nov 15, 2023, responding to a tweet claiming that Jews push “diabolical hatred against whites” © 2023
Bad news More than 800 journalists have been the subject of anti-Semitic attacks on Twitter, with 10 of them receiving 83 percent of the total attacks. The words appearing most frequently in the Twitter biographies of the attackers were “Trump,” “nationalist,” “conservative” and “white.” New York Times, October 19, 2016 © 2016
Jews A lot you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You're brutal killers, not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me. You have no choice. You're not gonna vote for Pocahontas [Elizabeth Warren], I can tell you that. You're not gonna vote for the wealth tax. Some of you don't like me. Some of you I don't like at all, actually. And you're going to be my biggest supporters because you're going to be out of business in about 15 minutes if they get it. So I don't have to spend a lot of time on that. Donald Trump, speaking to the Israeli American Council, December 8, 2019, about the 2020 elections © 2019
Jews No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story — Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel — Before it is too late! Donald Trump, 9:29 AM – Oct 16, 2022 © 2022
Mudslingers say Is it time we asked the question – I'm dead serious about this – Is this White House anti-Semitic? Nobody has been able to come back and say they're not. Obama ripped Netanyahu to Nicolas Sarkozy … He's friends with people I think could be considered anti-Semitic … Said and Khalid Rashidi [sic]. Andrea Tantaros, Fox News “Outnumbered” co-host, equating dislike of Benjamin Netanyahoo and friendship with Palestinian professors Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi with being anti-Semitic © 2015
Reich wingers say I'm trying to make myself more capable of violence. I'm here to spread ideas, talk in the hopes that somebody more capable will come along and do that. Somebody like Donald Trump who does not give his daughter to a Jew. … Someone a lot more racist than Donald Trump. Christopher Cantwell, alt-right shock jock, leader of white supremacists, and speaker at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia © 2017
Reich wingers say This is your family when Trump wins. Get your Israeli passport ready. Bridgett Williamson (@Bridget62945958), caption to a picture of lampshades sent to a Washington correspondent for the New York Times © 2016
Reich wingers say We are here again. Red Front perish. Don't buy Jewish. poster distributed by the US-based National Socialist German Workers Party/ Overseas Organization © 2017
Republican Party We are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon or anti-Semitism or Holocaust deniers, or white supremacy or conspiracy theories. Liz Cheney, whistling past the graveyard after being censured by Wyoming Republicans for saying Donald Trump should have no role in the Party going forward © 2021
Republicans say (((Bernie Sanders))) © 2016
Republicans say )))Donald Trump((( © 2016
Selfie They call me anti-Jew and anti-nigger. Listen we like the nigger — in his place … Our [Right-to-Work] amendment helps the nigger; it does not discriminate against him. Good niggers, not those Communist niggers. Jews? Why some of my best friends are Jews. Good Jews. Vance Muse, the foremost lobbyist for right-to-work laws © 2023
Selfie I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Donald Trump © 2019
Selfie Don't tell me I'm anti-Semitic if I oppose him. [George] Soros is hardly a Jew. I'm more of a Jew than Soros is. Rudy Giuliani © 2020
Sleepers at the wheel say Never again © 2015
Surely you jest One of our attorneys is Jewish. We have very close friends that are Jewish, and rabbis, and we also fellowship with them. Roy Moore's wife, Kayla, rebutting charges that he's anti-Semitic © 2017
Trumpists say I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE The funny thing is I actually can't be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also Kanye West, a.k.a Ye a.k.a Yeezus a.k.a. Louis Vuitton Don a.k.a. Yeezy a.k.a. Saint Pablo a.k.a. Christian Billionaire Genius, 3:55 AM – Oct 9, 2022 © 2022