Big Brother

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Artificial intelligence In Shenzhen facial recognition is used identify jaywalkers; names and pictures go up on a screen. In Beijing the municipality has started using the technology to catch thieves of toilet paper in public restrooms (its system also prevents people from taking more than 60 centimetres of paper within a nine-minute period). The Economist, September 9, 2017 © 2017
Big Brother Automated personality testing of potential employees © 2016
Big Brother Balanced Scorecards (BSCs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for targeting, prescribing, monitoring, diagnosing and speeding up people and processes in real-time © 2016
Big Brother Big data © 2016
Big Brother Blockchain technology © 2015
Big Brother Calendar software that automatically schedules your free time © 2016
Big Brother The cashless society © 2015
Big Brother Chatbots © 2016
Big Brother The CIA © 2016
Big Brother Closed-circuit television © 2016
Big Brother Computerized eyeglasses / surveillance cameras © 2016
Big Brother Data brokers © 2016
Big Brother Data mining © 2016
Big Brother Database marketing © 2016
Big Brother Digital cookies © 2016
Big Brother Drones © 2016
Big Brother E-commerce © 2016
Big Brother Email tracking © 2016
Big Brother Eyeball / iris / retinal scanning © 2016
Big Brother Facebook Inc. says it has developed a way to recognize people in photos even if their faces are obscured. In the future, this technology could help advertisers law-enforcement officials and academics mine photos for clues about a person's activities, interests and social circles [without their consent], experts said. Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2015 © 2015
Big Brother Facebook stalking © 2016
Big Brother Facial recognition systems © 2016
Big Brother Fitness trackers © 2016
Big Brother GAFA's gonna getcha © 2015
Big Brother Given the massive scale of social networks such as Facebook, small effects can have large aggregated consequences. conclusion, Facebook research report about an experiment it conducted on its users without their knowledge that demonstrated it could control their emotions and behavior by controlling the content of news feeds sent to them © 2015
Big Brother … in their capacity to track employee performance, to speed it up, to measure it against targets, managers at Walmart and Amazon are empowered in ways that their predecessors of a century ago could only dream of. Simon Head, Mindless: Why Smarter Machines are Making Humans Dumber © 2016
Big brother The Internet of Things watching you, listening to you, communicating with each other 24×7 © 2016
Big Brother Keystroke logging / keylogging / keyboard capturing © 2016
Big Brother Location trackers © 2016
Big Brother Movement trackers © 2016
Big Brother Nanny cams © 2016
Big Brother The NSA © 2016
Big Brother Palantir Knows Everything About You Your photos Your daily routine Your social m edia posts Your face  Your arrests Your court appearances  Your vehicle's whereabouts  Yo ur credit history  Your address  Your Mortgag e Your visa status Your domestic travel  Your web history  Your hobbies  Your savings acco unt  Your personal  emails  Your personal pho ne calls Your work phone calls Your pets You r printer usage Your keystrokes Your résumé Your political contributions  Your computer u sage Your siblings  Your charitable contributi ons  Your  business associates  Your interests Your ATM usage Your international flights Yo ur online relationships  Your extended family Your sex partners  Your spending  Your presc riptions Your family Bloomberg Businessweek, April 23, 2018 © 2018
Big Brother Parental consent © 2016
Big Brother  Permissions granted to app developers when doownloading apps © 2016
Big Brother Pet tech gadgets for interacting with pets remotely © 2016
Big Brother Reconnaissance / spy satellites © 2016
Big Brother Social media © 2016
Big Brother Software that regularly snapshots workers' computer screens, counts mouse and keyboard clicks, captures webcam images, peeps relentlessly © 2015
Big Brother Supermarkets with insurance spinoffs are tracking shopping habits, giving premium discounts to customers they deem less risky. Health insurers in the US have begun offering wristbands to show how much policy holders exercise. The industry is even examing the use of home telematics: fitting sensors in boilers to check whether occupiers keep their houses at sufficient temperature to prevent burst pipes. Financial Times, February 2, 2015, on insurance industry big data operations © 2015
Big Brother Surveillance cameras © 2016
Big Brother Taylorism / Scientific Management © 2016
Big Brother Tracking pickers and packers in distribution centers to see if they “steal time” by stopping to talk to one another or by not taking the shortest path to the nearest bathroom © 2016
Big Brother Vein matching / vascular technology © 2016
Big Brother Vibrator maker ordered to pay out C$4m for tracking users' sexual activity Canadian manufacturer We-Vibe collected data about temperature and vibration intensity, revealing intimate information without customers' knowledge headline, The Guardian, March 14, 2017 © 2017
Big Brother Voice monitoring and recognition systems © 2016
Big Brother Watch lists © 2016
Big Brother Webcams © 2016
By the numbers Chance that an American adult is searchable in facial-recognition databases used by U.S. law-enforcement agencies: 1 in 2 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016
Capitalism Here then is the transfer to Chinese soil lock, stock and barrel of the dual systems of management control that define contemporary American capitalism: the transfer of Business Process Reengineering, with its shaping of horizontal business processes in both manufacturing and services, and Corporate Panoptics, with its empowerment of top management with the electronic representations of the corporate organism in its entirety and in real time. Simon Head, Mindless © 2016
Kwiple dictionary targeted advertising (tar' gi tid ad'vər tīz ing), n. The use of surveillance software that enters users' computers without their knowledge, circum- vents or disables their security software, renders their devices and online accounts susceptible to hacking, and destroys their privacy, all in order to send them online ads, many of which do the same. © 2015
Kwiplers say It's any time. Do you know what they're doing with your data? Do you even know who they are? © 2016
Looks Researchers at Stanford University have demonstrated that, when shown a picture of one gay man, and one straight man, the [facial recognition] algorithm could attribute their sexuality correctly 81% of the time. Humans managed only 61%. In countries where homosexuality is a crime, software which promises to infer sexuality from a face is an alarming prospect. The Economist, September 9, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say I don't want to live in 1984 Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Silicon Valley Silicon Valley is an extractive industry. Its resource isn't oil or copper, but data. Companies harvest this data by observing as much of our online activity as they can. … Soon it'll earn even more money from watching what we do offline. Ben Tarnoff, The Guardian, August 23, 2017 © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Only government can be Big Brother © 2016
Tech bros say Always-on devices pose no threat to privacy --> © 2018
Tech bros say Facial recognition technology poses no threat to privacy --> © 2018
Tech bros say Make physical space a data mine --> © 2017
Tech bros say We build butlers, not stalkers --> © 2018
Trucking Every move the trucker makes is tracked by a computer. We have logs we need to keep every time we stop, pull over, and take a leak. The truck's speed, braking, acceleration is all recorded. This is not a cowboy on the open range. This is more like 1984 than 1894. Finn Murphy, The Guardian, October 10, 2017 © 2017