Citizens United

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Ask candidates … What will you do to overturn Citizens United? © 2015
Citizens United The day before Citizens United  was decided, our democracy was already broken. Citizens United  may have shot the body, but the body was already cold. Lawrence Lessig © 2020
Citizens United Every piece of this is wrong. Money is not speech. Corporations are not people. And looking at the message and not the messenger would allow any entity's message into our politics, even foreign ones. Then add in anonymity and the problem goes toxic, as we now see in our country today. “We the people” becomes “we the hidden anything with money.” Sheldon Whitehouse, June 8, 2021 © 2021
Citizens United Justice is nothing else than the interests of the stronger. Thrasymachus, affirmed © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: A golden key can open any door © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: He who pays the piper calls the tune © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: Money talks © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: The voice of the poor has no echo © 2015
Citizens United Proverb affirmed: You get what you pay for © 2015
Citizenship Citizenship is an office, and that office has duties. The duties include being informed about what is going on around you, and what is stopping Americans from knowing what is going on around them is the cascade, the torrent, the Nile River of dark money that has begun to flow into our democracy since Citizens United. Sheldon Whitehouse, January 19, 2022 © 2022
Democracy This is what the death of American democracy looks like. It's time to acknowledge that we no longer have a democracy, but a plutocracy: Government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich, brought to you by Citizens United and the Supreme Court. Stephen Wolf, “Just 158 families account for nearly half of all presidential campaign donations,” Daily Kos, October 12, 2015 © 2021
Kwiplers say Overturn the Citizens United decision allowing employers to discuss political candidates and issues with employees and to provide them with “information packets” about candidates and issues – activities implying that the employees may lose their job if they don't side with their employers © 2017
Making money the new-fashioned way Spending half your time fundraising to get re-elected © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Talking back means your voice will be heard © 2018
State of the union The “people” Congress represents AbbVie Allergan Altria Amazon Amgen Annheuser-Busch Apple Bank of America Berkshire Hathaway BP CEMEX Chevron China Mobile Cisco Citigroup Coca Cola Comcast CVS Caremark Exxon Mobil Facebook General Electric Gilead Sciences Home Depot IBM Intel Johnson & Johnson JPMorganChase Medtronic Merck Microsoft Novartis Oracle Pepsico PetroChina Pfizer Philip Morris Proctor & Gamble Royal Dutch Shell Taiwan Semiconductor Total Unilever UnitedHealth Group Verizon Visa Wal-Mart Walt Disney Wells Fargo Thanks, Citizens United © 2015
State of the union Within the particular domain of independent political advocacy the principle of free speech now trumps the principle that previously inspired congressional regulation of campaign finance, namely that there is a public interest in preventing the appearance of corruption in electoral politics. Richard M. Valelly, American Politics © 2018