fright wingers

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2014 midterm elections Monger fear. Avoid the issues. Kiss Grover Norquist's ass. Blame Obama for this … Blame Obama for tha … Blame Obama for th … Blame Obama for t … Blame Obama for … Blame Obama fo … Blame Obama f … Blame Obama … Blame Obam … Blame Oba … Blame Ob … Republican Party's winning strategy © 2015
Dead-in-the-heads say There are communities under  Sharia law right now in our country … in Illinois, Indiana – up there. Roy Moore © 2017
Fright wingers say Everything that the president is doing seems to benefit what ISIS is doing. Andrea Tantaros, Fox News “outnumbered” co-host, accusing Obama of ignoring national security by letting Muslim refugees into the country © 2015
Fright wingers say If I had a bowl of skittles and I told you just three would kill you. Would you take a handful? That's our Syrian refugee problem. Donald Trump, Jr., tweet accompanying a photograph of a bowl of Skittles, which the photographer, a former refugee, said was used without permission © 2016
Fright wingers say They are hoping and praying that Hillary Clinton becomes president of the United States because they'll take over not only that part of the world, they'll take over this country, they'll take over this part of the world. Believe me. They are hoping. They are hoping. Donald Trump, on ISIS © 2016
Fright wingers say [W]e do have a new category of crime. It's called migrant crime. It's, ugh, you see it all the time. Donald Trump © 2024
Fright wingers say We have cities that are far more dangerous than Afghanistan. Donald Trump © 2016
Fright wingers say The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. What, you think this is going to cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place. Donald Trump, on suspending immigration from some Muslim countries © 2017
Liars say Honest mistakes abound. Kellyanne Conway, a.k.a. “Progaganda Barbie,” claiming that the lie she told during an interview on February 2, 2017, about a massacre masterminded by two Iraqi men in Bowling Green, KY, was an unintentional mistake, despite having told it several times before © 2017
Public discourse Fear, cynicism, nihilism, and apathy coupled with disgust and disdain for democracy. This is the formula that modern autocrats, with some variations, sell to their citizens and to foreigners, all with the aim of destroying what they call “American hegemony.” Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic, June 2024 © 2024
Public discourse They say, “I'm going to protect you from the terrorists in Tehran and the homos in Hollywood.” We say, “We're for clean air, better schools, more health care.” James Carville, Democratic political consultant, comparing Republicans to Democrats © 2022
Punt returners say Vad i helvete pratar du om? What the hell are you talking about? Det fanns ingen terroristattack. There was no terrorist attack. Swedes, responding to Donald Trump's February 18, 2017, claim there had been a terrorist attack in Sweden the night before, adding, for emphasis, “Sweden! Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden.” © 2017
Presidential immunity from criminal prosecution The dissents’ positions in the end boil down to ignoring the Constitution’s separation of powers and the Court’s precedent and instead fear mongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals about a future where the President “feels  empowered to violate federal criminal law.” Sonia Sotomayor, dissent, Trump v. United States © 2024
Resisters say Hope not fear  Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017