New York Times

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Bad news Apple, complying with what it said was a request from Chinese authorities, removed news apps created by The New York Times from its app store in China late last month. … The government began blocking The Times's websites in 2012, after a series of articles on the wealth amassed by the family of Wen Jiabao, who was then prime minister, but it had struggled in recent months to prevent readers from using the Chinese- language app. … Apple has not disclosed what laws the authorities said were violated, making it difficult for The Times and other publishers to file an appeal … citation New York Times, January 5, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers In the year leading up to Trump's election victory, the word “transgender” appeared  in the New York Times 1,169 times. The word “opioid” appeared just 284 times.  Edward Luce, Financial Times, January 13-14, 2018 © 2018
By the numbers Preferred sources for election news according to Pew Research Center ALL voters TRUMP's CLINTON's Fox News 19% Fox News 40% CNN 18% CNN 13% CNN 8% MSNBC 9% Facebook 8% Facebook 7% Facebook 8% Local TV 7% NBC 6% Local TV 8% NBC 6% Local TV 5% NPR 7% MSNBC 6% ABC 3% ABC 6% ABC 5% CBS 3% NY Times 5% NPR 4% Locl radio 3% CBS 5% CBS 4%     NBC 4% NY Times 3%     Locl papers 4% Locl papers 3%     Fox News 3%  Financial Times, January 19, 2017 © 2017
Dead-in-the-heads say My regret with Timothy McVeigh is that he did not go to the New York Times building. Ann Coulter, who later clarified the remark, saying, “Of course I regret it. I should have added, ‘after everyone had left the building except the editors and reporters.’” © 2015
Free press I strongly hope that Donald Trump sues The New York Times for publishing his tax returns, just as I strongly hope that in the two debates to come, Donald Trump once again attacks Rosie O'Donnell and utters more gibberish. Any such lawsuit – which in all likeli- hood would be shot down by the courts on First Amendment grounds – is likely to further unravel the candidacy of man who is, among other disqualifying flaws, an enemy of a free press. Gabriel Schoenfeld, a lawyer who sued the New York Times for publishing news about warrantless wiretapping © 2016
Selfie Quite often during the past several years I have felt myself a sleepwalker, moving through the world unconscious of the moment's high issues, oblivious to its data, alert only to the stuff of bad dreams … Acquaintances read The New York Times,  and try to tell me the news of the world. I listen to call-in shows. Joan Didion, “In the Islands” © 2017