sexual harassment

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2016 Presidential election It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to. Donald Trump, after dozens of leading Republicans withdrew their support for him following the release of a video in which he boasts about grabbing women by their genitals © 2016
2024 Presidential primaries Rapist Republican Frontrunner Heads Straight to Court After Iowa Win headline, article in The New Republic, January 16, 2024, about Trump flying to New York City after winning the Iowa caucuses to attend a trial to set damages after a jury unanimously decided he had sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll in the mid-1990s and defamed her in 2019, and the judge declared him to be a “rapist” as the term is “commonly understood by most people,” instead of flying to New Hampshire, the site of 2024's second presidential primary © 2024
Alabama Republicans say  The age of consent is fourteen, period. Or whichever comes first. © 2017
Bad news Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy-Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny. citation Andrea Tantaros, in a lawsuit claiming she was demoted and smeared in the press after spurning sexual advances from Roger Ailes, then Fox News's Chairman and CEO © 2016
Bad news If you want to make it in New York City in the TV business, you're going to have to fuck me, and you're going to do that with anyone I tell you to. citation Roger Ailes, to a television producer who he interviewed in 1975 and was quoted in the press in 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Trump's accusers by the numbers Kissing without consent: 3 Harassment: 1 Groping: 8 Assault: 1 Walking in while changing: 7 Rape: 2 New York, October 31-November 13, 2016 [names of accusers omitted above] © 2016
Dead-in-the-heads say The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off headline, Breitbart News, July 5, 2016 © 2017
Dead-in-the-heads say We need to make it clear that there's a group of non-accusers that have not accused the judge of any sexual misconduct or anything illegal. Jane Porter, Roy Moore's spokesperson, defending him against accusations by nine women, most underage at the time, that he sexually harassed or assaulted them [the Hitler-didn't-kill-all -the-Jews defense]  © 2017
Kwiplers say Nondisparagement agreements are nothing but silencers on corporate guns © 2017
Military justice Of the more than 6,200 sexual-assault reports, made by United States service members in fiscal year 2020, only 50 — only 0.8 percent — ended in sex-offense convictions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, roughly one-third as many convictions as in 2019. It’s unclear why sexual-assault convictions have gone down, but it's part of a much larger trend: Courts-martial dropped by 69 percent from 2007 to 2017, according to Military Times, perhaps because commanders are instead choosing administrative punish- ments, which are bureaucratically easier but also result in milder punishments for the perpetrators, such as deductions in rank or administrative discharges. New York Times Magazine, August 8, 2021 © 2021
Presidential harassment Yes, presidential harassment – it's like sexual harassment, only Republicans take it seriously. Stephen Colbert, responding to Trump's complaint that Democratic investigations of him are “presidential harassment” © 2019
Psychopaths say We don't think that was my voice. Donald Trump, referring, apparently, to voices in his head that are now telling him that the voice heard on the “Access Hollywood” tape bragging about grabbing women by their pussy, which he admitted in the past is his, is really maybe perhaps not his © 2017
Republicans say Allowing insurance companies to charge higher fees to people with trauma from sexual assault is change we believe in  © 2017
Republicans say Curtailing enforcement of laws requiring schools to reduce/address sexual harassment and violence is change we believe in © 2017
Resisters say Grandma didn't cross the border so I could be groped Placard, Los Angeles Women's March, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say Hope not grope! Placard, Manchester, England, Women's March, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say Stop Putin your hands where they don't belong Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say This pussy grabs back! Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Sexual harassment Asked why she waited 32 years to come forward, Janice Dickinson, a former model who is one of dozens of women to have accused Bill Cosby, an actor, of sexual assault, said on “Entertainment Tonight”, a television show: “I was afraid of being labelled a whore or a slut and trying to sleep my way to the top of a career that never took place.” Economist, October 15, 2016 © 2016
Sexual harassment Bill O'Reilly, the Fox News star who was fired this week as a result of a sexual harassment scandal, will receive up to a $25m payout, equivalent to one year's salary, as part of his exit deal with 21st Century Fox … The payout follows the presenter's dismissal from Fox News this week after a 22-year career with the network and compares with the $40m collected by Roger Ailes, the network's former chairman, when he parted ways in similar circumstances. Financial Times, April 21, 2017 © 2017
Sexual harassment Giuliani often demanded that she work naked, in a bikini, or in short shorts with an American flag on them that he bought for her. When they were apart, they would often work remotely via videoconference, and during those conferences Giuliani almost always asked her to remove her clothes on camera. He often called from his bed, where he was visibly touching himself under a white sheet. From the verified complaint against Rudy Giuliani filed by Noelle Dunphy, former Business Development director for him and his companies © 2023
Sexual harassment Giuliani said that he did not have a Human Resoures department and bragged that no one would ever sue him because he was connected to President Trump, and he had private investigators  who would punish anyone who complained. From the verified complaint against Rudy Giuliani filed by Noelle Dunphy, his former Business Development director,  who asked for the name of the Human Resources director after he pressured her into performing oral sex on him © 2023
Sexual harassment I'm with perv Trump endorses accused kidmolester Moore  Front-page headline, November 22, 2017, The New York Daily News, an anti-Trump paper I'm with the perv Trump backs Roy Moore Front-page headline, November 22, 2017,  The New York Post, a pro-Trump paper © 2017
Sexual harassment I think sometimes when guys are together they get carried away, and sometimes that's what happens when alpha personalities are in the same presence. Eric Trump, explaining why Donald Trump, his father, and Billy Bush, host of Access Hollywood, joked about sexual assault © 2016
Sexual harassment I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago, and then you'd be good and better and I'd be good and better. Roger Ailes, recorded by Gretchen Carlson, who sued him for sexual harassment and whose legal team heard stories told by more than 20 other women of being sexually harassed by Ailes  © 2016
Sexual harassment I've gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful–I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. Donald Trump © 2019
Sexual harassment I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case. Donald Trump, responding to a question about what his daughter Ivanka should do if she were sexually harassed on the job © 2016
Sexual harassment If one person in your life accused you of pooping in their kitchen sink, I could be persuaded to believe that that is a lie. But, if over the course of 73 years of your life, 22 separate people came forward with detailed accounts of times you pooped in their kitchen sinks, I'm gonna start thinking you're a sink pooper. There's no difference here. Stephen Colbert, commenting on the 22nd accusation of sexual assault against Donald Trump © 2019
Sexual harassment If you want to make the money, you'll learn to laugh. A West Virginia waitress dependent on tips to make a living, quoted in New York Times, March 12, 2018 © 2018
Sexual harassment In a case brought in 1989 an American judge ruled that being made to fish for quarters in her boss's pocket, though unpleasant, would not cause undue distress to any “reasonable woman”. Economist, October 21, 2017 © 2017
Sexual harassment “Oh, I was with Donald Trump in 1980. I was sitting with him on an airplane and he went after me on the plane.” Yeah, I'm going to go after her. Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you. Donald Trump, describing one of his accusers © 2016
Sexual harassment Senator Franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't. That's a very big distinction.  Sarah Huckabee Sanders, when asked about the difference between accusations of sexual misconduct against Al Franken, a Democrat, which she harps on, and accusations against Donald Trump, a Republican, whose denials she boasts of © 2017
Sexual harassment They were kind of – ah – boy talk. He was led on. Like egg on [sic] from the host to say, uh, dirty and bad stuff. Melania Trump, explaining Donald's pussy talk on the leaked 2005 recording of him and Access Hollywood host, Billy Bush © 2016
Sexual harassment Throughout the employment and attorney- client relationship, Giuliani forced Ms. Dunphy to perform oral sex on him. He often demanded oral sex while he took phone calls on speaker phone from high-profile friends and clients, including then-President Trump. Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy that he enjoyed engaging in this conduct while on the telephone because it made him “feel like Bill Clinton.” From the verified complaint against Rudy Giuliani filed by Noelle Dunphy, former Business Development director for him and his companies © 2023
Sexual harassment Well he denies it, look, he denies it. If you look at what is really going on and you look at all of the things that have happened over the last 48 hours, he totally denies it. He says it didn't happen. And you know, you have to listen to him also. Donald Trump, defending Roy Moore against the women who've accused him of sexual harassment, most of whom were underage at the time  © 2017
Sexual harassment Well, historically that's true with stars. If you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately — or fortunately. Donald Trump, in his deposition in the civil case brought by E. Jean Carroll, who accused him of raping her, responding when her lawyer asked him if he actually thought, as he was recorded saying in a conversation with Billy Bush in 2005, that stars could grab women by the pussy, and, when then asked if he considered himself to be a star, responded by saying, “Yeah” © 2023
Sexual harassment The winner was the #MeToo wave against sexual harassment. … The #MeToo road leads to the White House. Edward Luce, Financial Times, December 14, 2017, on Roy Moore's defeat in Alabama and accusations of sexual harassment against Donald Trump by at least 16 women © 2017
Sexual harassment “WOMEN: tweet me your first assaults. They aren't just stats. I'll go first: Old man on city bus grabs my ‘pussy’ and smiles at me, I'm 12.” Kelly Oxford, a screenwriter and blogger, was not sure whether her tweet in response to Donald Trump's open-mic bragging about sexual assault would get any responses at all. In fact it got hundreds of thousands. Many … describe offenses remarkably similar to those Mr Trump brags about: crotch-grabs and tongues forced into mouths. Other women tell of rapes. A striking number were first assaulted before reaching their teens. Economist, October 15, 2016 © 2016
Sexual harassment The women who came forward felt it was sexual harassment. So it was. Kirsten Gillibrand, on Al Franken's accusers © 2020
Sexual harassment You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that? Anderson Cooper to Donald Trump, October 9, 2016, presidential debate © 2016
Sexual harassment You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful–I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. Donald Trump © 2016
Snapshot When this week began, the biggest fear for many was that the [Senate Judiciary] Committee would not believe Christine Blasey Ford. But, by the time the week ended, it seemed that something darker might have happened because it seems their response was, “Oh, we believe you. We just don't care.” Christine Blasey Ford portrayed by John Oliver, September 30, 2018  © 2018
Snapshot Obviously, a tough time for him. He did a very good job when he was in the White House, and we hope he has a wonderful career ahead of him. But it was very sad when we heard about it. And certainly he's also very sad. Now, he also, as you probably know, says he's innocent, and I think you have to remember that. Rob Porter portrayed by Donald Trump after Porter, his White House Secretary, was forced to resign following revelations of domestic abuse of both his ex-wives and a girlfriend  © 2018
Snapshot I looked out, and he was nothing. He was nothing. He was a phantom. It was the people around him who were giving him power. He himself was nothing. It was an astonishing discovery for me. He’s nothing. We don’t need to be afraid of him. He can be knocked down. Donald Trump portrayed by E. Jean Carroll, January 29, 2024, who feared being in the same room with him for the first time since he raped her in 1996, after being awarded a total of $88.3 million in her second defamation suit against him [She was awarded $5 million in her first suit] © 2024
Surely you jest I came of age in the 60s and 70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. Harvey Weinstein, infamous casting-couch Lothario, excusing decades of uncalled-for advances © 2017
Surely you jest Trump, speaking about claims of sexual harassment “I believe the women” © 2017
Trumpists say He's denied it, and that's all I needed to hear. Lindsey Graham, reacting to E. Jean Carroll's rape allegation © 2019