TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement)

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Ask candidates … What will you do to defeat TPP? © 2015
Kwiplers say Don't donate to candidates who support TPP Send them pink slips you've received or worn © 2015
Kwiplers say What's good for corporations is often no good for countries  © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Arbitration benefits all parties © 2016
Sleepers at the wheel say Arbitration is not in the pocket of corporations © 2017
TPP Big corporations used the secretive process of negotiating the TPP to win big at the expense of the rest of us. More than 500 corporate advisers had access to the TPP text during the seven years of negotiations, while the public and the press were locked out. TPP would also grant new rights to thousands of multinational corporations to sue the US government before a panel of three corporate lawyers. These lawyers can award the corporations unlimited sums to be paid by America's taxpayers, including for the loss of expected future profits. Melinda St Louis, Financial Times, 2016/10/11 © 2016
Want to be forced to pass laws written in other countries? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want bigger trade deficits? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want Congressmen to vote on laws without being allowed to see or read them? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
 Want copyrights to last several lifetimes? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want to criminalize investigative journalism and whistleblowing? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want currency manipulators to run amok? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want fewer Internet freedoms? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want foreign companies to challenge U.S. laws without appearing in U. S. courts? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want higher medicine costs? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want to kill off America's dairy farmers? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want laws written in secret by lobbyists for multinationals? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want to limit the world's poorest people from getting much-needed medicines? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t  Want more inequality? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t  Want more pollution? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want more pressure on wages? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t  Want more unsafe imports? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to control how elected officials use tax dollars? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want multinationals to have power to nullify laws passed by democracies? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to impose court decisions won in one country on other countries? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to limit your access to content you paid for? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to prevent im/exporting of intellectual properties? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want multinationals to roll back efforts to avoid future financial collapses? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to rule over nation states? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to sap efforts to mitigate the effects of global warming? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to store medical & other personal data about you overseas? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want multinationals to sue a country if its laws lower their “expected future profits”? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t  Want NAFTA on steroids? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want to offshore public-sector jobs? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want to offshore your job? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want to postpone developing generic drugs for decades? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want to race to the bottom? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t  Want a smaller middle class here? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want tobacco companies to kill more people? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
t Want U.S. governments ready to buy stuff to stop giving preferences to U.S. companies? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2016
t Want the U.S. to sign agreements whose text can't be revealed until four years after taking effect? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want weaker food safety laws? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015
Want to yield sovereignty to the World Bank and UN tribunals working behind closed doors? If not, tell your Congressman to Vote No on TPP © 2015