treason, willful failure to perform

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Kwiplers say  I accuse Donald Trump and Mike Pence of conspiracy to transfer sovereignty from America's citizens to its largest  corporations and richest families and to make governments and the courts instruments for promoting their interests against all others' — actions democracies should deem treason punishable by death ——— Prominent Congressional Co-conspirators ——— Lamar Alexander • John Barrasso • Roy Blunt • John Boozman • Richard Burr • Shelley Capito • Bill Cassidy • Thad Cochran • Susan Collins • Bob Corker • John Cornyn • Tom Cotton • Mike Crapo • Ted Cruz • Steve Daines • Mike Enzi • Joni Ernst • Deb Fischer • Jeff Flake • Freedom Caucus • Cory Gardner • Lindsey Graham • Chuck Grassley • Orrin Hatch • Dean Heller • John Hoeven • James Inhofe • Johnny Isakson • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mike Lee • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mitch McConnell • Jerry Moran • Lisa Murkowski • Rand Paul • David Perdue • Rob Portman • Jim Risch • Pat Roberts • Mike Rounds • Marco Rubio • Ben Sasse • Tim Scott • Richard Shelby • Luther Strange • Dan Sulliven • John Thune • Thom Tillis • Patrick Toomey • Roger Wicker • Todd Young ——— Prominent Unelected Co-conspirators ——— Sheldon Adelson • Samuel Alito • American Legislative Exchange Council • Americans for Prosperity • Americans for Tax Reform • Betsy DeVos • Federalist Society • Fox News • Neil Gorsuch • Charles & David Koch • Robert & Rebekah Mercer • Scott Pruitt • John Roberts, Jr. • Sinclair Broadcast Group • Peter Singer • Peter Thiel • Clarence Thomas • U.S. Chamber of Commerce  © 2017
Punt returners say We don't live in a dictatorship or a monarchy. I swore an oath —in the military and in the Senate— to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to mindlessly cater to the whims of Cadet Bone Spurs and clap when he demands I clap Tammy Duckworth, 4:04 PM - 5 Feb 2018, responding to President Trump, who called Democrats “treasonous” for not clapping enough during his first State of the Union Address © 2018
Republicans say Don't trust the United States to stick to its agreements Kelly Ayotte Chuck Grassley Rob Portman John Barrasso Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Roy Blunt Dean Heller Pat Roberts John Boozman John Hoeven Mike Rounds Richard Burr Jim Inhofe Marco Rubio Bill Cassidy Johnny Isakson Ben Sasse John Cornyn Ron Johnson Tim Scott Tom Cotton Mark Kirk Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo James Lankford Richard Shelby Ted Cruz Mike Lee Dan Sullivan Steve Daines John McCain John Thune Mike Enzi Mitch McConnell Thom Tillis Joni Ernst S. Moore Capito Pat Toomey Deb Fischer Jerry Moran David Vitter Cory Gardner Rand Paul Roger Wicker Lindsey Graham David Perdue © 2015
Republicans say Patriotism is when we release classified intelligence data, methods and sources to the public Treason is when others do it  — The Banana Republicans —  Donald Trump, inspiration and enabler Devin Nunes (CA), memo writer Mike Conaway (TX) Tom Rooney (FL) Rick Crawford (AR) I. Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Trey Gowdy (SC) Elise Stefanik (NY) Will Hurd (TX) Chris Stewart (UT) Peter King (NY) Mike Turner (OH) Frank LoBiondo (NJ) Brad Wenstrup (OH) a.k.a. “Putin's posse” © 2018
Snapshot The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn't have any lawyers. Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it's all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately. Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort portrayed by Steve Bannon in a quotation from Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff, about their meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who promised them damaging information about Hillary Clinton s © 2018
Treason To betray, you must first belong. Kim Philby © 2024
Trumpists say Death to ALL traitors! Michele Morrow, 5:28 AM – 17 May 2020, responding to a fake Time magazine cover showing Barack Obama in an electric chair [She's the 2024 Republican candidate for superintendent of schools in North Caroilina] © 2024
Trumpists say You fucking traitors! Gabriel A. Garcia, insurrectionist from Miami and pot calling the ketlte black, to Capitol police defending the Capitol © 2021
Treason The notion that America's president could be an agent of the Kremlin is so outlandish that it is almost self-discrediting. People who happily speculate about UFOs, or an inside job on 9/11, steer clear of portraying Mr Trump as the Manchurian candidate. To float the idea is to risk being labelled a conspiracy theorist. In private, however, it is a serious topic. Edward Luce, Financial Times chief US commentator, January 18, 2019 © 2019
Trumpists say  You're gonna swing for fucking treason, you communist fuck. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Villains say They [Congressional Democrats] were like, death. And un-American. Un-American. Somebody [pointing to the audience] said, “treasonous.” I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn't seem to love our coutnry very much. Donald Trump, to a rally of his supporters, who, like him, are too stupid to know why not clapping during his State of the Union address is neither un-American nor treasonous  © 2018