
Monday 22nd of July 2024

By the numbers Truckers made an average of $38,618 a year in 1980. If wages had just kept pace with inflation, that would be over $114,722 today – but last year the average wage was $41,340.  The Guardian, October 10, 2017 © 2017
Dead-in-the-heads say The Canadian trucker convoy is the single most successful human rights protest in a generation. Tucker Carlson, February 10, 2022 © 2022
Trucking Every move the trucker makes is tracked by a computer. We have logs we need to keep every time we stop, pull over, and take a leak. The truck's speed, braking, acceleration is all recorded. This is not a cowboy on the open range. This is more like 1984 than 1894. Finn Murphy, The Guardian, October 10, 2017 © 2017