Twitter, tweeting

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2016 Presidential election Regrettably, it appears that the platforms may have misrepresented or evaded in some of their statements to Congress. From a report published by the Senate Intelligence Committee about the responses submitted by Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms to its requests for data about Russia's attempts to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election © 2018
2020 Presidential election Also at 2:24 p.m., knowing the riot was underway and that Vice President Pence was  at the Capitol, President Trump sent this tweet: Mike Pence didn't have have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! Evidence shows that the 2:24 p.m. tweet immediately precipitated further violence at the Capitol. January 6 Commitee Report - Summary © 2022
Alt-righters  The crap you think of is unbelievable. Donald Trump, on Twitter content created by far-right activists and provocateurs attending a July 2019 social media summit at the White House © 2018
Bad news As world leaders spent the weekend making final preparations for the G20 meeting in Germany this week, US president Donald Trump tweeted a doctored video of himself wrestling to the ground a man with a CNN logo for a head. citation Financial Times, July 3, 2017 © 2017
Bullshitters say I don't even know what he tweets. William Barr, Trump's lapdog Attorney General © 2020
Corporate welfare Congress grills flak clatchers from Facebook, Google and Twitter about subverting American democracy by enabling trolling by Russians in the 2016 presidential election and, shortly afterwards, plans to cut corporate tax rates nearly in half © 2017
Dead-in-the-heads say “@backupwraith: i firmly believe that @realDonaldTrump is the most superior troll on the whole of twitter, that is all.” A great compliment!  Donald Trump, 1:05 AM – 24 Apr 2013 © 2017
Democrats Twitter is not America. In most of America, all they want, is to vote for someone who is not weird. Play to them and stop worrying that you're going to lose social justice warriors to Donald Trump. Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Mahar, Oct. 25, 2019 © 2019
Journalism I...worked on this story for a year... and...he just...he tweeted it out. Like. I spent hours and days and weeks and months. And his son just, hit tweet. I tracked down sources. Followed so many dead leads. Labored over this. And then he just, you know, tweeted out the proof. Like, so many people out there were trying to track this down. And it just... got delivered on a tweet. What the hell. Jared Yates Sexton, independent journalist, July 11, 2017, tweets after Donald Trump, Jr. released emails proving the Trump campaign's williingness to collude with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton © 2017
Public discourse Bob Mueller brought a book to a Twitter fight. Ari Melber, May 30, 2019 © 2019
Public discourse Demagogues need no longer stand erect for hours orating into a radio microphone. Tweet lies from a smartphone instead. David Frum, The Atlantic, March 2017 © 2020
Public discourse I thought it was demeaning to have to answer questions on serious issues in thirty seconds. Now I know you have to do it in a tweet. Adam Schiff © 2018
Resisters say Make Twitter great again Get off it!  Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say Think  before you tweet Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say Tweet others  how u want 2 b tweeted  Placard, Women's March on Washington, January 21, 2017 © 2017
Resisters say Would Twitter ban Hitler? Uphold your policy, ban Donald Trump We need a leader, not a creepy tweeter Messages projected on the side of Twitter's headquarter © 2017
Selfie I was the Earnest Hemingway of 140 characters. Donald Trump responding when Twitter raised the maximum size of an individual tweet from 140 to 280 characters © 2018
Selfie If I don't tweet it, don't listen to my staff. Donald Trump © 2019
Snapshot The world's richest man is dismembering one of the world's most importnt websites in large part because he believes letting people choose their pronouns will prevent the human race from colonizing Mars. Elon Musk portrayed by Ben Tarnoff, New York Review of Books, January 18, 2024 © 2024
Snapshot  He doesn't even care who he pisses off. He just sends out a tweet so that he controls the news cycle. Sometimes, guys? You ignore him. Donald Trump portrayed by Amy Klobuchar, talking to reporters © 2019
Snapshot Mr. Trump rarely tweets in front of others, those close to him say, because he does not like to wear the reading glasses he needs he needs to see the screen. Donald Trump, portrayed by the New York Times, November 2, 2019 © 2019
Snapshot He has an advantage over me because he can say everything he knows about any subject in 140 characters and I can't. Donald Trump portrayed by George F. Will © 2018
Snapshot Tailgating in parking lots. Vendors selling Hillary Sucks But Not Like Monica shirts. General awfulness. Donald Trump rally, Greensboro, North Carolina, June 14, 2016, portrayed by Jared Yates Sexton in a live tweet that triggered death threats against him © 2017
Trumpists say Please remove your cats and pronouns from your Twitter profiles. Because when I’m Trump’s next attorney general, I’m adding you to the domestic-terrorism watchlist. Mike Davis, president of the Article III Project (A3P), 7:06 PM – Apr 7, 2023 © 2018
Tweeting Much as mid-century authoritarians could use radio to broadcast their voices into the intimacy of the family living room, so now Trump can use Twitter to insert himself in the company of a user's chosen conversation partners. Trump also works hard to suggest that his intimate circle – and through Twitter, yours – includes the rich and powerful. “Great meeting with a wonderful woman today, former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice!” he tweets. Fred Turner © 2019
Tweeting When Trump tweeted, he demonstrated that the faith of a generation of liberal theorists – as well as their digital descendents – are misplaced: decentralization does not necessarily increase democracy, in the public sphere or in the state. Fred Turner © 2019
Tweeting  Why does Donald Trump tweet so much? Why do his supporters love it when he does? It is because a tweet gives the illusion of a direct relationship between leader and follower. For the follower, the tweet is addressed just to him- or herself with no intermediary. The follower imagines a personal relationship with the president. The pretense of presence and the person- alization of power go hand in hand.  Albert Weale, The Will of the People  © 2019
Twitter In 2018, according to the Pew Research Center, ninety-seven per cent of all tweets posted by American adults about national politics were posted by ten per cent of tweeters. A disproportionate number of the people in Twitter’s town hall are the sorts of people who were eligible to vote in 1820, before the first, Jackson-era expansion of the electorate: the wealthy, the educated, and the hyperpartisan. Twitter isn't the future of American democracy; it's the past. Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, March 9, 2020 © 2020
Twitter Would Donald Trump have become president in 2016 without his Twitter account? Edward Luce, Financial Times, November 7, 2022 © 2022