
Monday 22nd of July 2024

By the numbers Percentage of worldwide vaccine-preventable mumps cases last year that occurred in the United States: 95 In Canada: 0.3 Harper's Index, July 2017 © 2017
COVID-19 coronavirus But maybe the truth is that life will never fully return to normal until a vaccine becomes available — and perhaps not even then. A vaccine is not a ‘magig bullet’. It is unlikely to be completely effective, and is unlikely to be taken up by every citizen. Perhaps COVID-19 represents an impermeable boundary between one moment in out lives and another. We can never go back. Richard Horton, The COVID-19 Catastrophe  © 2020
COVID-19 coronavirus Just between June and November [2021], 163,000 Covid-19 deaths in the US alone could have been prevented by vaccination, estimates the Kaiser Family Foundation.  That’s nearly double all the American deaths in war in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined — and the unvaccinated continue to die, pointlessly. Simon Kuper, Financial Times, January 13, 2022 © 2022
COVID-19 coronavirus Winning is important. We will deliver by the end of this year a vaccine, at scale, to treat the American people and our partners abroad. Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense, May 15, 2020 © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say Vaccines are the equivalent of human experimentation. Tom Price, ex-orthopedic surgeon, ex-Congressman from Georgia, ex-Health and Human Services Secretary, charter-flights-at-taxpayer-expense-enthusiast © 2017
Populism The global race to vaccinate is having a use beyond the narrowly medical. It is delineating two populisms that my trade likes to group into a Nationalist International. The first kind is serious about the business of government. “Authoritarian” in the roundest sense, it turns the brawn of the state on social ills, real or perceived, not just political rivals. President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil embodies [the other populism], as do the US Republicans, some of whom took until last week to commend the vaccine to their voters. This is populism as cussed and near anarchic defiance of received opinion. It is ruthless in the pursuit of power but lax to the point of dereliction in its exercise. Distinguish these … as Old World and New World … or as “heavy” and “light”, but distinguish them. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, July 27, 2021 © 2021
Racists say The left is now rationing lifesaving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white you don’t get the vaccine or if you’re white you don’t get therapeutics. … In New York state, if you're white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical health. Donald Trump, January 15, 2022, at a rally in Florence, Arizona, a town which was 82.2% white in 2015 © 2022
Reich wingers Wearing a yellow star of David with the word “unvaccinated” on it to signify vaccine resisters are being treated like Jews in Nazi Germany Reorted in Financial Times, August 12, 2021 © 2021
Reich wingers say Biden pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved shows covid is a political tool used to control people. People have a choice, they don't need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations. You can't force people to be part of the human experiment. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 4:54 PM – Jul 6, 2021, comparing going door-to-door to reach unvaccinated people at their homes to Nazis hunting Jews © 2021
Selfie I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. Rand Paul © 2015
Social media The crusade against these apps is hardly groundless. But it has become a way of dodging the age and depth of civic rot, and not just in the US. Facebook is easier to confront than the prospect that mature democracies must live with a permanent mass of essentially unreachable citizens. To curse social media is to exonerate society. Janan Ganesh,, Financial Times, July 20, 2021 © 2021