
Monday 22nd of July 2024

2020 Presidential election Martha, come up just fast! Fast! Fast! Come on. Quick! You got one minute! One minute, Martha! They don't want to hear this, Martha. Come on. Let's go. Quick, quick, quick, quick. Come on. Let's go! Donald Trump, commanding hitherto sycophantic Arizona Republican Senator Martha McSally, behind in the polls and a woman, to join him on the stage at his October 28, 2020, rally in Goodyear, Arizona, to laughing rally goers  © 2020 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election  Suburban women, will you please like me? I saved your damn neighborhood, OK? Donald Trump, Johnstown, PA, rally, October 13, 2020 © 2020 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential primaries Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobucher and I all had better campaign win-loss records than any of the leading men. Elizabeth Warren, Persist © 2021 Kwiple.com
Abortion To women like myself, they [abortion rights] are the bare minimum of human rights. To working-class women, who often see motherhood, not work, as the key source of social honor, obsession with abortion rights among well-off women is selfish, exemplifying lack of an adequate devotion to family. Seen in this light, opposition to abortion rights becomes, for high-school educated women, a way of claiming social honor. Joan C. Williams, The Guardian, August 23, 2017 © 2016 Kwiple.com
Ass You know, it really doesn't matter what the media write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass. Donald Trump © 2015 Kwiple.com
Beauty Consider — why do men find women with pale skin, luxuriant locks, and curvaceous figures attractive? One can come up with examples based on nutritional status, but only after the fact. There is no reason, a priori, why gentlemen don't prefer bald women with hairy ears and enormous feet. Henry Gee, The Accidental Species © 2017 Kwiple.com
By the numbers Between ages 25 and 45, the gender pay gap for college graduates, which starts close to zero, widens by 55 percentage points. For those without college degrees, it widens by 28 percentage points. The average college-educated man … improves his earnings by 77 percent from age 25 to 45, while similar women improve their earnings by only 31 percent. Men without college degrees increase their earnings much faster than similar women in the first decade of their career, but by age 45, women catch up. New York Times, May 17, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
By the numbers Estimated chance that a white woman in Washington, D.C., has a tanning salon addiction: 1 in 5 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017 Kwiple.com
By the numbers In America about half of college degrees in business awarded since 2000 have gone to women, but the share of senior executives who are female has remained stuck at one in five. The Economist, October 5, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
By the numbers In America only 15% of women with graduate degrees in science and engineering, which are in short supply, were employed in their specialism in 2011, compared with 31% of men. And nearly a fifth were out of the labour force, a share twice as high as among similarly qualified men. The Economist, October 5, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
By the numbers Number of statues in New York City's Central Park that depict women: 19 Percentage of those statues that depict fictional women: 100 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016 Kwiple.com
a By the numbers A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. Donald Trump © 2016 Kwiple.com
Christmas The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband. Joan Rivers © 2015 Kwiple.com
Cocks of the walk say No one respects women more than me. Donald Trump © 2016 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say And when you're young, you're thinking, you know, where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie, or, you know they're for Bernie because that's where the boys are. Gloria Steinem, commenting on why young women support Bernie Sanders instead of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential primares © 2016 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy headline, Breitbart News, December 8, 2015 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say The problem with women voting — and your Communists will back me up on this — is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care. Ann Coulter © 2015 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women. Madeleine Albright, commenting on young women supporting Bernie Sanders instead of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential primares © 2016 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud. Rush Limbaugh, Trump's Presidential Medal of Freedom winner for “decades of tireless devotion to our country” © 2020 Kwiple.com
Death One of the biggest worldwide public health triumphs in recent years has been maternal mortality. Global death rates fell by more than a third from 2000 to 2015. The United States, however, is one of the few countries in the world that have gone against the grain, new data show. Its maternal mortality rate has risen despite improvements in health care and an overwhelming global trend in the other direction. New York Times, September 22, 2016 © 2016 Kwiple.com
Dog whistlers say Well, I just don't think she has a presidential look, and you need a presidential look. Donald Trump, about Hillary Clinton © 2016 Kwiple.com
Drugs Marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others. Henry J. Anslinger, first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics later the Drug Enforcement Agency © 2019 Kwiple.com
Higher education Among boomers [born 1946-1964], more men than women have degrees. Among millennials [born 1981-1996], 43% of women have degrees, seven points more than men. The Economist, September 12, 2020 © 2020 Kwiple.com
Kwiple dictionary pregnancy (preg'nən sē), n. The Number 1 killer of women's careers. Called off-the-job injury by lawyers for UPS. © 2015 Kwiple.com
Outreach You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful–I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. Donald Trump © 2016 Kwiple.com
Poverty [T]he single best predictor of going broke in America was [found by analyzing data] to be a woman with a child. Not a woman alone. Not a couple with no kids. Not elderly or African American or Latina. One kid. Two kids. It didn't matter. The strongest  predictor was to be a woman with at least one child. Elizabeth Warren, Persist  [2021] © 2021 Kwiple.com
Presidency Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the president's spouse. I wish him well. Barbara Bush © 2015 Kwiple.com
Punt returners say It's not a fraternity any more. Madeleine Albright responding to Henry Kissinger, a former Secretary of State, who called to congratulate her on becoming America's first female Secretary of State and said, “Welcome to the fraternity” © 2022 Kwiple.com
Reich wingers say A feminazi is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed. Rush Limbaugh © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Anti-discrimination statutes allow men dressed as women to enter women's bathrooms to watch girls pee and poop © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Blocking women on Medicaid from using their insurance at Planned Parenthood is change we believe in  © 2017 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Defunding Planned Parenthood is change we believe in © 2017 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Defunding programs providing legal assistance to women trying to escape domestic violence is change we believe in  © 2017 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Force women impregnated by a rapist to give birth to the rapist's spawn © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Imposing the “global gag rule” that prohibits any USAid funding going to NGOs that fail to certify they will not use funds from any source whatsoever to perform or even mention abortions anywhere in the world, is change we believe in © 2017 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Sacrifice women on the altar of their unborn © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Screw women's reproductive rights © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Submit women seeking an abortion to a public shaming session © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Terrorize doctors who perform abortions © 2015 Kwiple.com
Republicans say Women? We don't need no women! © 2015 Kwiple.com
Resisters Just want to give a heads up to the women! You have rights! A right to cook and a right to clean. Today is Sunday and the NFL playoffs our [sic] on! I suggest you stop your b!tch!ng/protesting during this time. Because you also have the right to get slapped! J. R. Doporto, City Councilor, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Facebook post about women participating in the Women's March on Washington on January 21, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Resisters say First we marched Now we're running (for office) Placard, New York City Women's March, January 20, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Resisters say If this march is about accountability 57% of white women voted 4 misogny Placard, New York City Women's March, January 20, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Rights If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights, once and for all. Hillary Clinton, Fourth World Conference on Women (1995) © 2016 Kwiple.com
Resisters say If this march is about accountability 57% of white women voted 4 misogny Placard, New York City Women's March, January 20, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Selfie I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life. Hillary Clinton © 2015 Kwiple.com
Selfie I love being a woman. I like dressing up; I love buying shoes. Carly Fiorina © 2015 Kwiple.com
Selfie I'd rather have a retarded hot woman than a slob who's a doctor. Howard Stern, responding to Donald Trump, who had said that before he bought Miss Universe and Miss America pageants, “They were starting to take women who were educated over women who were hot. They had a person who was extremely proud that a number of the women had become doctors. And I wasn't interested.” © 2016 Kwiple.com
Selfie All the women on The Apprentice  flirted with me, consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected. Donald Trump © 2015 Kwiple.com
Selfie I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part. Donald Trump © 2023 Kwiple.com
Selfie I only have one regret in the women department — that I never had the opportunity to court Lady Diana Spencer. Donald Trump © 2023 Kwiple.com
Selfie  I'm not interested in waiting four decades for the day when women don't pay a penalty for being a woman. Elizabeth Warren, Persist  [2021] © 2021 Kwiple.com
Sleepers at the wheel say Abortion is never necessary to save a woman's life © 2016 Kwiple.com
Snapshot Mr Pence is an evangelical who has vowed never to dine alone with a woman except his own wife.  He has been pilloried for his prudishness.  How can anyone work in today's world without being alone with a female colleague? It is altogether Saudi Arabian. Mike Pence portrayed by Edward Luce © 2018 Kwiple.com
Snapshot He has told me he can't be sexually attracted to a woman who has had children. Donald Trump portrayed by Ivana Trump, with whom he had three children before replacing her with Marla Maples © 2016 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest The Billy Graham rule © 2017 Kwiple.com
Tech bros say Moms are persona non grata as co-workers © 2017 Kwiple.com
Trumpists say The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his. Mark Robinson, 2024 Republican candidate for governor of NC © 2024 Kwiple.com
Trumpists say  I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote. Mark Robinson, 2024 Republican candidate for governor of NC © 2024 Kwiple.com
Trumpists say If you are pregnant, God made you completely capable to be a mother, and he will provide for you, as you strive in life and become a mother. Motherhood will be the most incredible journey of your entire life, bringing you continuous joy you’ve never known. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 9:06 AM – Jun 28, 2022  © 2022 Kwiple.com
Trumpists say  You know what women are thinking? ‘This could be my son. This could be my husband.’ If it were me – I'm Sicilian – I would have been hitting people. What they did to him was criminal. Karen Arakelian, Republican Party and Trump supporter in a wealthy northern New Jersey suburb, commenting on Brett Kavanaugh's ranting while defending himself against accusations of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford © 2018 Kwiple.com
Women [During confirmation hearings for Katanji Brown Jackson] the male Torquemadas were joined by a female inquisitor, Marsha Black- burn. The Tennessee Republican is all mag- nolia Southern charm — until she spits venom. “Can you provide a definition for the word woman?” Blackburn asked Judge Jackson, invoking the controversy over a transgender  swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania. Blackburn’s question inspired Tucker Carlson to later hold up a graphic of a woman's reproductive system, along with a silhouette of a woman so shapely that Roger Aisles would have approved. Maureen Dowd, New York Times, March 26, 2022 © 2022 Kwiple.com
Women A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after. Gloria Steinem © 2015 Kwiple.com
Women NEGRESSES. Hotter than white women. Gustave Flaubert, Dictionary of Accepted Ideas Trans. by Jacques Barzun © 2016 Kwiple.com
Women Of course women can teach, but only women, or males under a certain age. Ralph Drollinger, host of a Trump White House Bible-study group for Cabinet officers © 2017 Kwiple.com
Women There is no war on women. There may be a war on what's inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country. Ben Carson, denying the Republicans' war on women © 2015 Kwiple.com
Women A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. Gloria Steinem © 2015 Kwiple.com
Women Women are liked better when they lose. Gloria Steinem © 2015 Kwiple.com
Women  Women can do everything, and men can do the rest. Russian proverb © 2024 Kwiple.com
Women Women compromise 26 percent of town's workers headline, Westport News [Connecticut], September 20, 1995 © 2016 Kwiple.com
Women ‘Women in Politics’ workshop postponed; make-up not set headline, Charlotte [North Carolina] Observer, November 13, 1991 © 2016 Kwiple.com
Women Women who want to be equal to men lack ambition adage © 2016 Kwiple.com
Women Women with children at home, who either serve in public office, or are employed on the outside, pursue a path that contradicts God's revealed design for them. It is a sin. Ralph Drollinger, host of a Trump White House Bible-study group for Cabinet officers © 2017 Kwiple.com
Women You have to treat them like shit. Donald Trump, 1992 © 2020 Kwiple.com
Working-class women You won't get very far as a poor woman without believing you are equal to men. The result of that belief is unlikely to be a leaning in, Sandberg's possibly sound advice to middle- and upper-class women seeking to claim the spoils enjoyed by the men in their offices and homes. A poor woman's better solution is often to turn around and walk away from a hopelessly patriarchal situation that she cannot possibly mend with her limited cultural capital. Sarah Smarsh, The Guardian, June 25, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com