World War I

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Punt returners say But not on all four. Winston Churchill, responding to his private secretary, who said, in 1918, that he was so grateful for America's contributions to winning WWI that he would kiss Uncle Sam “on both cheeks” © 2019
Selfie I am going to take my Herodotus as a guide-book. Patrick Shaw-Stewart, on learning he would be sent to fight at Gallipoli, in Turkey, near the site of the ancient battles at Troy © 2016
World War I It was in 1915 that the old world ended. D. H. Lawrence, Kangaroo © 2016
World War I No truce or parley mitigated the strife of the armies. The wounded died between the lines; the dead mouldered into the soil. Poison gas in many forms stifled or seared the soldiers.  Liquid fire was projected upon their bodies. Men fell from the air in flames, or were smothered, often slowly, in the dark recesses of the sea. Winxton Churchill, The World Crisis © 2023
World War I A saying went round, “We went to war with Rupert Brooke and came home with Siegfried Sassoon.” May Wedderburn Cannan © 2016