Devin Nunes

Monday 22nd of July 2024

CA Republican Devin Nunes's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2015
Dead-in-the-heads say There's a lot of concerns with the economy here because people are scared to go out. But I will just say, one of the things you can do if you're healthy – you and your family – it's a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant. Likely you can get in easily. Go to your local pub. Devin Nunes, March 16, 2020, who believes social distancing is unimportant in fighting a pandemic © 2020
Kwiple dictionary the Honorable (thə on'ər ə bəl) adjectival phrase. A gender-neutral adjectival phrase traditionally placed before the name of a current or past holder of a high office. When in used before Donald Trump's name or the name of one of his kiss-asses, such as Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Mike Pence or Betsy DeVos, the usage is ipso facto  ironic. © 2018
Kwiplers say I accuse Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (CA), Chairman Paul Ryan (WI), Ex officio Mike Conaway (TX) Tom Rooney (FL) Rick Crawford (AR) I. Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Trey Gowdy (SC) Elise Stefanik (NY) Will Hurd (TX) Chris Stewart (UT) Peter King (NY) Mike Turner (OH) Frank LoBiondo (NJ) Brad Wenstrup (OH) of abrogation of duty in investigating the degree of Russian interference in the 2016 elections ——— Specific charges ——— • Failing to call key witnesses • Failing to verify witness statements • Failing to supboena uncooperative witnesses & witnesses who lied • Leaking secrets for partisan gain • Denying Putin favored Trump • Failing to inform Democratic committee members of meetings • Prohibiting Democratic input to written committee reports • Failing to await special counsel Robert Mueller's findings • Putting Republican Party interests above the nation's © 2018
Republicans say Patriotism is when we release classified intelligence data, methods and sources to the public Treason is when others do it  The Putin Posse  Donald Trump, founder and motivator Devin Nunes (CA), memo writer Mike Conaway (TX) Tom Rooney (FL) Rick Crawford (AR) I. Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Trey Gowdy (SC) Elise Stefanik (NY) Will Hurd (TX) Chris Stewart (UT) Peter King (NY) Mike Turner (OH) Frank LoBiondo (NJ) Brad Wenstrup (OH) © 2018
Surely you jest This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. Donald Trump, 6:40 AM - 3 Feb 2018, referring, apparently, to the character forced to submit to a colonoscopy as a public health measure in  Gibbon Ape's best-selling bodice-ripper, The Decline and Fall of the American Empire --> © 2018