Francesco Duina

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Inequality [T]hose who find themselves in the worst positions have the most pressures to find legitimacy in the social order. The alternative —believing that the system is unjust, unfair, or even random— is in fact painful and generates more stress. Approving of the system  therefore serves a “palliative function,” even though in practice it discourages seeking beneficial changes that might concretely redress exising inequalities.  Francesco Duina, Broke and Patriotic, summarizing social justification theory  © 2018
Patriotism For me to give up hope on the country in which I live  is almost to give up hope for self. So I gotta keep the light burning for me and for my country or I'm gonna be in the dark.   Shirley, a poor woman in Birmingham, AL, quoted in Broke and Patriotic by Francesco Duina © 2018