Ivana Trump

Monday 22nd of July 2024

By the numbers Number of times Donald Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment during divorce proceedings with Ivana Trump: 97 Mother Jones, September 30, 2016 © 2016 Kwiple.com
Cocks of the walk say What if he's a loser? Donald Trump, responding to Ivana Trump, his first wife, who she said whe wanted to name her first born child after his father  © 2020 Kwiple.com
Feelings When Mr Trump divorced the first of his three wives, Ivana, he let the New York tabloids know that one reason for the separation was that her breast implants felt all wrong. The Economist, October 1, 2016 © 2016 Kwiple.com
Marriage I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets? Donald Trump © 2024 Kwiple.com
Marriage When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass — a good one! — there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left. Donald Trump, after leaving wife Ivana for Marla Maples © 2024 Kwiple.com
Snapshot He has told me he can't be sexually attracted to a woman who has had children. Donald Trump portrayed by Ivana Trump, with whom he had three children before replacing her with Marla Maples © 2016 Kwiple.com
Snapshot She moves slowly. Her face seems almost frozen by cosmetic intervention. Ivana Trump portrayed by Michael D'Antonio in Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success © 2015 Kwiple.com