Ivanka Trump

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Ass Yeah. Donald Trump, responding affirmatively when Howard Stern asked on the air if he could call Trump's daughter, Ivanka, “a piece of ass” © 2016 Kwiple.com
Asslickers America's National Association of Manufacturers gave Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter, its prestigious Alexander Hamilton award this year. “Like no one in government has ever done, she has provided singular leadership and shown an unwavering commitmwent to manufacturing,” said the industry group, in what ought to have earned it the Order of Sycophancy. Edward Luce, Financial Times, July 16, 2020 © 2020 Kwiple.com
Asslickers say Ivanka Trump embodies the collaborative spirit and relentless drive needed to solve manufacturers' most pressing challenge – the workforce crisis. Like no one in government has ever done, she has provided singular leadership and shown an unwavering commitment to modern manufacturing in America. From the February 1, 2020, National Association of Manufacturers' press release announcing that “Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump will be the inaugural recipient of the association's Alexander Hamilton Award.” © 2020 Kwiple.com
Cocks of the walk say I am not a staffer. I'll never be a staffer. I'm the First Daughter! Ivanka Trump, responding to Steve Bannon, who called her a “fucking staffer” who didnt't deserve easy access to the Oval Office © 2018 Kwiple.com
Employment General, what job do you want? Ivanka Trump, to Michael T. Flynn, whom she invited to a Nov. 11, 2016, meeting of the Trump transition team without telling chairman Chris Christie, who had warned Trump about hiring Flynn © 2017 Kwiple.com
Global warming If we fail to act now, it is scientifically irrefutable that there will be catastrophic and irreversible consequences for humanity and our planet. December 6, 2009, open letter to President Obama and the Congress, from liberals and business leaders, including “Donald J. Trump, Chairman and President, Donald Trump, Jr., EVP, Eric F. Trump, EVP, Ivanka Trump, EVP, The Trump Organization” © 2017 Kwiple.com
Higher education Ms Trump and her older brother, Donald Jnr, were admitted to the University of Pennsylvania after her her father had pledged a $1.4m gift. Both were legacy students – their father went to the same school. Mr Kushner was admitted to Harvard after his father, Charles, had donated $2.5m. These are familiar stories. A study last week showed that 43 per cent of Harvard's white under- graduates were legacy students, children of donors or staff, or athletics scholars. Edward Luce, Financial Times, July 16, 2020 © 2020 Kwiple.com
Homelessness My father and I were walking down Fifth Avenue and there was a homeless person sitting right outside Trump Tower. I remember my father pointing to me and saying, “You know that guy has $8 billion more than me,” because he was in such extreme debt at that point, you know? Ivanka Trump © 2019 Kwiple.com
Hucksters say Go buy Ivanka's stuff, is what I would tell you. I hate shopping but I'm going to get some myself today. … It's a wonderful line. I'm going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online. Kellyanne Conway, encouraging viewers to buy products made by Ivanka Trump, her boss's daughter, after high-end Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus stopped selling them because of poor sales, thereby relegating them to discount racks at the likes of Walmart and TJ Maxx © 2017 Kwiple.com
Hucksters say My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible! Donald Trump, tweet posted on his personal and his official @POTUS account attacking Nordstrom, which dropped Ivanka's products because of poor sales © 2017 Kwiple.com
Hypocrites say I don't know what it means to be complicit. Ivanka Trump © 2017 Kwiple.com
Liars say I'm going to be a daughter. Ivanka Trump, denying rumors she'd be part of her dad's administration © 2017 Kwiple.com
Liars say I try to stay out of politics. Ivanka Trump, special adviser to and surrogate for her dad, with an office in the White House © 2017 Kwiple.com
Manufacturing Remember in the old days they used to have “Made in USA” … We're going to start doing that again. Donald Trump, speaking about companies other than his and Ivanka's at a White House event, Made in America Day, which launched Made in America Week, which he promised would lead to Made in America Decades © 2017 Kwiple.com
Memory It turns out that the leading cause of early-onset dementia is being deposed. Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, February 13, 2024, referring to Ivanka, Eric and Donald Trump Jr's claims to not remember when being questioned under oath about business practices of the Trump Organization © 2024 Kwiple.com
Profiles in courage To voice dissent publicly would mean I'm not part of the team. When you're part of a team, you're part of a team. Ivanka Trump © 2017 Kwiple.com
Publicity stunt Smack in the middle of his cockamie interview with The Times last week, Ivanka dropped by the Oval Office so that her daughter, Arabella, could give Grandpa a kiss. How precious. How humanizing. How entirely choreographed. Frank Bruni, New York Times, July 23, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Punt returners say Yes. Donald Trump responding to Howard Stern, who asked about Trump's daughter Ivanka, “Can I say this? A piece of ass.” © 2018 Kwiple.com
Selfie I was the combination. Ivanka Trump, answering Ainsley Earhardt, who asked,  during a July, 2016, “Fox & Friends” episode, “Were you a tractor girl,   or were you, like me, the Pink Barbie Jeep?” © 2018 Kwiple.com
Sexism If they do do Ivanka, which I doubt they will, the whole country will turn on them. They're going after his daughter?  Jared is a fine man. You know that. But men are, you know, disposable. But a fine woman like Ivanka? Come on. Rudy Giuliani to Sean Hannity, on rumors the Mueller investigation may want to interview Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner © 2018 Kwiple.com
Sexual harassment I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was the case. Donald Trump, responding to a question about what his daughter Ivanka should do if she were sexually harassed on the job © 2016 Kwiple.com
Sleepers at the wheel say Close relatives can give presidents more candid advice than any outsider © 2017 Kwiple.com
Snapshot He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with,  beautiful, smart, just like his daughter. Stormy Daniels portrayed in 2006 by Donald Trump, presumably referring to Ivanka, not Tiffany, who was a teenager at the time © 2018 Kwiple.com
Snapshot There's no corner of the world or cranny of existence that isn't enhanced by her presence. That was the joke in a Zelig-inspired, Gump-reminiscent meme that exploded in tweets over the past few days. Look: There's Ivanka between Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee at Appomattox. And here's Ivanka teaming with Jonas Salk to develop the polio vaccine. She stretches out in bed with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. She peeks through a window in the background of the painting “American Gothic.” Ivanka Trump portrayed by Frank Bruni, July 2, 2019 © 2019 Kwiple.com
Snapshot This week, America's self-named First Daughter urged America's almost 30m unemployed to “find something new”. Learn another skill, Ms Trump advised. Look for a different job. … No one wants to hear they are to blame for being unemployed. … As a benchmark of disconnectedness, Marie Antoinette could hardly have done better. … It would be tempting to treat Ms Trump's “find something new” campaign as a Freudian slip about her father's job. Ivanka Trump portrayed by Edward Luce, July 16, 2020 © 2020 Kwiple.com
Snapshot I don't think Ivanka would do that [pose for nude photographs] inside the magazine [Playboy], although she does have a very nice figure. I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her. Ivanka Trump portrayed by Donald Trump © 2016 Kwiple.com
Snapshot Just like me, she wants no credit. Ivanka Trump portrayed by Donald Trump © 2020 Kwiple.com
Snapshot They're shamelessness made flesh. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner portrayed by Frank Bruni © 2019 Kwiple.com
Snapshot The Trumps are a special problem, unembarrassed money-grubbers in whom other motives seem undeveloped. Donald, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka Trump portrayed by Marilynne Robinson © 2017 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest  Donald Trump had Stormy Daniels spank him using a Forbes magazine with photos of him, Donald Jr. and Ivanka on the cover  Reported in Mother Jones, January 18, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest In a conflict of incest, Trump gives spawn Ivanka an office in the White House, a top-level security clearance and government communication devices to pursue her unpaid oathless role as Trump brand ambassador. Even Nixon didn't do that for his pet, Checkers. © 2017 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest My father will make us all proud! Ivanka Trump © 2016 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest Wearing mismatched earrings intentionally © 2017 Kwiple.com