Jeb Bush

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2016 Presidential primaries Jeb Bush's campaign never bought so its owner redirected it to Donald Trump's website © 2016
2016 Presidential primaries We've been here for over two hours and we haven't gotten paid for our time. “seat fillers” interrupting Jeb Bush's last rally before the Iowa caucuses © 2016
Dead-in-the-heads say Look, stuff happens. Jeb Bush, commenting on gun violence following the killing of 9 and wounding of 7 at Umpqua Community College in 2015 (Uproar over his comment led Bush to say, “Things happen all the time. Things. Is that better?”) © 2015
Evasiveness I love my father and my brother. I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make. But I am my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences. Jeb Bush, when asked if his foreign policy would be more like his father's cautious realism or his brother's reckless interventionism © 2015
Global warming The climate's changing, okay. We've got that, and we can adapt to that reality but the simple fact is you can't hollow out your industrial core to deal with this. Jeb Bush, October 14, 2015 © 2015
Global warming We can eliminate all our jobs, and we can all just live in poverty, and you'd probably see a reduction in carbon. Jeb Bush © 2015
Gun violence Look, stuff happens. Jeb Bush, responding to a question about gun violence after a gunman killed 9 and wounded 7 at a community college in October, 2015 He later responded to the uproar over his comment by saying, “Things happen all the time. Things. Is that better?” © 2015
Political dynasties I have to prove that I'm not running for president — if I go beyond the consideration of this being an active candidate — to try to break the tie between the Adams family and the Bush family. That really isn't my motivation — but I have to prove that. Jeb Bush, before formally announcing he's running for the Republican presidential nomination © 2015
Political dynasties There are other people out there who are very qualified. We've had enough Bushes. Barbara Bush, on Jeb's 2016 presidential ambitions © 2015
Selfie I was a cynical little turd at a cynical little school. Jeb Bush, on Phillips Academy Andover, 1967-1971 © 2015
Selfie Please clap. Jeb Bush, on completing his speech in Hanover, New Hampshire © 2016
Snapshot Branding his campaign “Jeb!” has fooled nobody. What they read instead is “Bush?!” Jeb Bush portrayed by Edward Luce © 2015
Snapshot Jeb Bush lost [in the 2016 presidential primaries] for many reasons, but the base one is that he was running to win a race in a party that no longer existed. He was like a guy who showed up with a tennis racket at a bowling alley. Jeb Bush portrayed by Stuart Stevens © 2020
Snapshot Low Energy Jeb Bush portrayed by Donald Trump © 2016
Snapshot But if Jeb's campaign was born with a silver spoon in its mouth, it ended screaming in its high chair with strained peaches all over the floor. Jeb Bush's presidential campaign portrayed by Dara Lind © 2016
Surely you jest Jeb Bush changes campaign slogan from “Jeb!” to “Jeb Can Fix It,” evoking images of ass cracks  and toilet plungers © 2015
Surely you jest Jeb Bush tweets an image of a gun engraved with his name with the caption “America” © 2016