Kevin Cramer

Monday 22nd of July 2024

ND Republican Kevin Cramer's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2015
Trumpists say Well, it seems to me that being elected by the Electoral College is a threshold where a title like that is probably most appropriate, and it's, I suppose you can say official, if there is such a thing as official president-elect, or anything-else-elect. Kevin Cramer, Republican Senator from North Dacovid, who would rather make an ass of himself than call Joe Biden “president-elect”  © 2020