Kirsten Gillibrand

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2020 Presidential primaries Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobucher and I all had better campaign win-loss records than any of the leading men. Elizabeth Warren, Persist © 2021
Bullshitters say Only if your mind is in the gutter would you have read it that way. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, defending Trump against charges of sexism and defamation of character for tweeting that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a female, “would do anyting for contributions”  © 2017
Sexual harassment The women who came forward felt it was sexual harassment. So it was. Kirsten Gillibrand, on Al Franken's accusers © 2020
Snapshot A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes: Our view Donald Trump portrayed by USA Today, December 12, 2017, editorial about Trump's tweet that Kirsten Gillibrand “would do anyting for contributions” © 2017