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Kyrsten Sinema

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Filibusters But what is the legislative filibuster other than a tool that requires new federal policy to be broadly supported by Senators representing a broader cross-section of Americans — a guardrail, inevitably viewed as obstacle by whoever holds the Senate majority, but which in reality ensures that millions of Americans represented by the minority party have a voice in the process? Kyrsten Sinema, spouting, yet again, white supremacists' bullshit about the role of their favorite legislative tool — the filibuster — in a speech claiming she supports voting rights, but not enough to let the Senate debate or vote on them © 2022 Kwiple.com
Filibusters While I continue to support these [voting rights] bills, I will not support  separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. We must address the disease itself, the disease of division, to protect our democracy, and it cannot be achieved by one party alone. Kysten Sinema, bullshitting about being a proponent of voting rights while sacrificing them on the altar of the anti-democratic filibuster, which she unashamedly loves far more, as do the similarly afflicted Joe Manchin and  all Republican senators and white supremacists, who showered her with heartfelt huzzahs © 2022 Kwiple.com
Kwiple dictionary sinema (sin' ə mə), n. A self-centered, self-aggrandizing dumbass advised by yokels © 2021 Kwiple.com
Money in politics Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the controversial Arizona Democrat who threatens to derail President Biden's legislative agenda, received more than $750,000 in donations from the pharma- ceutical and medical device industries. After that, she announced her opposition to a Democratic plan to lower prescription drug costs. During her successful 2018 Senate campaign, Sinema repeatedly vowed to lower prescription drug prices and drug costs for seniors. Salon, September 23, 2021 © 2021 Kwiple.com