Lewis F. Powell

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Republican Party motto Perfecting minority rule since 1971 citation 1971 is the year Lewis Powell was appointed to the Supreme Court after authoring the Powell Manifesto encouraging business executives to strangle progtressivism by creating front organizations to infiltrate and capture campuses, Congress, courts, government and the media © 2015 Kwiple.com
Supreme Court Colleagues, this is a scheme akin in complexity and tradecraft to an intelligence agency covert operation, only this one is not being run by one country against another. This one is being run in and against our own country by a handful of creepy billionaires and their donations trying to impose their self-serving ideology on the rest of us through our least democratic branch, the branch that doesn't care if normal people hate this stuff because they're in robes for life. That's our federal courts, and particularly the Surpeme Court. And the big dark money donors have pretty well pulled it off, too, following Lewis Powell's admonition to use strength in organization and united action. Sheldon Whitehouse, August 5, 2021, on efforts by the Judicial Crisis Network to make the Supreme Court a tool for use by the right- wing anti-government mega donors it represents © 2021 Kwiple.com