Lucy Kellaway

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Bullshit Bullshitters will go on bullshitting. Lucy Kellaway © 2015
Corporations A recent study showed the proportion of psychopaths in corner offices is the same as in prison. Lucy Kellaway, Financial Times, April 17, 2017 © 2017
Offices This is the great irony of modern working life. Just as architects and designers are learning how to build better offices, people are losing the habit of working in them. … After all, where is the joy in office life if you can't rely on seeing the same people every day and saying to them: wasn't Homeland  brilliant last night? Lucy Kellaway, Financial Times, November 30, 2015 © 2015
Selfie The biggest thing, which readers may find hard to swallow given my entire career has been based on ridiculing others, is that, for my next act, I want to be useful. Yes, I know sticking pins in pompous chief executives is useful in a meta kind of way but that's not the kind of useful I have in mind. Lucy Kellaway, announcing she's retiring as a columnist for the Financial Times after 31 years to become a trigonometry teacher in an inner city school in London © 2016