Marco Rubio

Monday 22nd of July 2024

FL Republican Marco Rubio's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2015
2016 Presidential primaries Presidential? They were menopausal. Bill Maher, on Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio & Donald Trump braying at each other during the televised Feb. 25, 2016, presidential primary debate  © 2016
Bad news Senate confirms Scott Pruitt, preeminent pimp for polluters, as EPA administrator If water becomes undrinkable and air becomes unbreathable, blame him and his enablers: Lamar Alexander (R) Steve Daines (R) Johnny Isakson (R) Pat Roberts (R) John Barrasso (R) Mike Enzi (R) Ron Johnson (R) Mike Rounds (R) Roy Blunt (R) Joni Ernst (R) John Kennedy (R) Marco Rubio (R) John Boozman (R) Deb Fischer (R) James Lankford (R) Ben Sasse (R) Richard Burr (R) Jeff Flake (R) Mike Lee Tim Scott (R) Shelley Moore-Capito (R) Cory Gardner (R) Joe Manchin (D) Richard Shelby (R) Bill Cassidy (R) Lindsey Graham (R) Mitch McConnell (R) Luther Strange Thad Cochran (R) Chuck Grassley (R) Jerry Moran (R) Dan Sullivan (R) Bob Corker (R) Orrin Hatch (R) Lisa Murkowski (R) John Thune (R) John Cornyn (R) Heidi Heitkamp (D) Rand Paul (R) Thom Tillis (R) Tom Cotton (R) Dean Heller (R) David Perdue (R) Pat Toomey Mike Crapo (R) John Hoeven (R) Rob Portman (R) Roger Wicker (R) Ted Cruz (R) Jim Inhofe (R) James Risch (R) Todd Young Continental Resources (oil company) Lucas Oil Products (oil company) Devon Energy (oil and gas company) Murray Energy (coal copmany) KochPAC (Koch Industries PAC) Oklahoma Strong Leadership (his super-PAC) Liberty 2.0 (energy industry super-PAC) Protecting America Now (anti-EPA lobbyists) © 2017
Cocks of the walk say We picked up a lot of delegates, and we feel great about what the map looks like moving forward – especially when we get to my home state of Florida. Marco Rubio, after winning only Minnesota, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC in the 2016 presidential primaries and before losing badly in Florida and suspending his campaign © 2016
Cyber security Partnering with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit” Marco Rubio, responding to Donald Trump's statement that he and Vladimir Putin had discussed “forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, and many other negative things, will be guarded and safe” following talks at the Hamburg G20 meeting © 2017
Global warming I'm not supporting policies that are going to hurt our economy and have no impact, zero, on the climate. Marco Rubio, November 3, 2015 © 2015
Kwiplers say  I accuse Donald Trump and Mike Pence of conspiracy to transfer sovereignty from America's citizens to its largest  corporations and richest families and to make governments and the courts instruments for promoting their interests against all others' — actions democracies should deem treason punishable by death ——— Prominent Congressional Co-conspirators ——— Lamar Alexander • John Barrasso • Roy Blunt • John Boozman • Richard Burr • Shelley Capito • Bill Cassidy • Thad Cochran • Susan Collins • Bob Corker • John Cornyn • Tom Cotton • Mike Crapo • Ted Cruz • Steve Daines • Mike Enzi • Joni Ernst • Deb Fischer • Jeff Flake • Freedom Caucus • Cory Gardner • Lindsey Graham • Chuck Grassley • Orrin Hatch • Dean Heller • John Hoeven • James Inhofe • Johnny Isakson • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mike Lee • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mitch McConnell • Jerry Moran • Lisa Murkowski • Rand Paul • David Perdue • Rob Portman • Jim Risch • Pat Roberts • Mike Rounds • Marco Rubio • Ben Sasse • Tim Scott • Richard Shelby • Luther Strange • Dan Sulliven • John Thune • Thom Tillis • Patrick Toomey • Roger Wicker • Todd Young ——— Prominent Unelected Co-conspirators ——— Sheldon Adelson • Samuel Alito • American Legislative Exchange Council • Americans for Prosperity • Americans for Tax Reform • Betsy DeVos • Federalist Society • Fox News • Neil Gorsuch • Charles & David Koch • Robert & Rebekah Mercer • Scott Pruitt • John Roberts, Jr. • Sinclair Broadcast Group • Peter Singer • Peter Thiel • Clarence Thomas • U.S. Chamber of Commerce  © 2017
Kwiplers say What will happen if even one Democrat votes no on federal disaster relief money for victims of hurricane Harvey, like the 36 Republican Senators — Kelly Ayotte Mike Enzi John Mccain John Barrasso Deb Fischer Mitch McConnell Roy Blunt Jeff Flake Jerry Moran John Boozman Lindsey Graham Rand Paul Richard Burr Chuck Grassley Rob Portman Saxby Chambliss Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Dan Coats Jim Inhofe Pat Roberts Tom Coburn Johnny Isakson Marco Rubio Bob Corker Mike Johanns Tim Scott John Cornyn Ron Johnson Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo Mark Kirk John Thune Ted Cruz Mike Lee Pat Toomey — who voted no on federal disaster relief money for victims of hurricane Sandy?  There'll be a record shitstorm from Trump supporters © 2017
Republicans say Don't trust the United States to stick to its agreements Kelly Ayotte Chuck Grassley Rob Portman John Barrasso Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Roy Blunt Dean Heller Pat Roberts John Boozman John Hoeven Mike Rounds Richard Burr Jim Inhofe Marco Rubio Bill Cassidy Johnny Isakson Ben Sasse John Cornyn Ron Johnson Tim Scott Tom Cotton Mark Kirk Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo James Lankford Richard Shelby Ted Cruz Mike Lee Dan Sullivan Steve Daines John McCain John Thune Mike Enzi Mitch McConnell Thom Tillis Joni Ernst S. Moore Capito Pat Toomey Deb Fischer Jerry Moran David Vitter Cory Gardner Rand Paul Roger Wicker Lindsey Graham David Perdue © 2015
Republicans say Make Israel's Iran policy ours Kelly Ayotte Chuck Grassley Rob Portman John Barrasso Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Roy Blunt Dean Heller Pat Roberts John Boozman John Hoeven Mike Rounds Richard Burr Jim Inhofe Marco Rubio Bill Cassidy Johnny Isakson Ben Sasse John Cornyn Ron Johnson Tim Scott Tom Cotton Mark Kirk Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo James Lankford Richard Shelby Ted Cruz Mike Lee Dan Sullivan Steve Daines John McCain John Thune Mike Enzi Mitch McConnell Thom Tillis Joni Ernst S. Moore Capito Pat Toomey Deb Fischer Jerry Moran David Vitter Cory Gardner Rand Paul Roger Wicker Lindsey Graham David Perdue © 2015
Robots say Let's dispel, once and for all, with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. Let's dispel, once and for all, with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. Let's dispel, once and for all, with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. Let's dispel, once and for all, with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. Marco Rubio © 2015
Selfie I'm not a scientist, man. Marco Rubio © 2015
Selfie I'm theologically in line with the Roman Catholic Church. I believe in the authority of the church, but I also have tremendous respect for my brothers and sisters in other Christian faiths. Marco Rubio © 2015
Selfie People buy into my agenda. I don't buy into anyone's agenda. Marco Rubio © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Where is there widespread evidence that we have a problem in America with discrimination against Muslims? Marco Rubio © 2015
Snapshot Little Marco Marco Rubio portrayed by Donald Trump © 2016
Surely you jest I don't think you can go to church too often. Marco Rubio, An American Son: A Memoir © 2016
Surely you jest Reports of “Marcomentum” © 2016
Trumpists say I disagree with the House Managers' argument that, if we find the allegations they have made are true, failing to remove the President leaves us with no remedy to constrain this or future Presidents. Congress and the courts have multiple ways by which to constrain the power of the executive. And ultimately, voters themselves can hold the President accountable in an election, including the one just nine months from now. Marco Rubio © 2020
Trumpists say I don't know if that's a real request or him just needling the press, knowing you guys were going to get outraged by it. Marco Rubio, responding to a reporter who asked, “Do you think it's okay for president Trump to ask China to launch an investigation of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden?” © 2019
Trumpists say I don’t think there’s any way Israel can be expected to coexist or find some diplomatic off-ramp with these savages. … They [Palestinians in Gaza Strip] have to be eradicated. Marco Rubio, October 9, 2023  © 2023
Trumpists say I will not vote to remove the president because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation. Marco Rubio © 2020
Trumpists say Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interests of the country to remove a President from office. Marco Rubio © 2020