Marjorie Taylor Greene

Monday 22nd of July 2024

GA Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2023
Bullshitters say I was allowed to believe things that weren't true. Marjorie Taylor Greene, disclaiming responsibility for calling for murdering Democrats and spitting up QAnon lies like a pelican regurgitating its digested fish into the mouths of its young © 2021
Bullshitters say I'm not a politician. Marjorie Taylor Greene  © 2022
Dead-in-the-heads say Every single year more than 600,000 people in the US die from cancer. The country has never once shut down. Not a single school has closed. And every year, over 600,000 people, of all ages and all races will continue to die from cancer. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 9:27 AM – Dec 4, 2021, who believes cancer is contagious like COVID-19, whooping cough or sexually transmitted infections © 2021
Dead-in-the-heads say Now we have Pelosi’s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress, spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene, February 8, 2022, conjuring up supposed soup Nazis while defending Rep. Troy E. Nehls's (R-Tex.) slanderous allegation that Capitol Police were illegaly investigating him when they they followed standard security protocols and entered his office when they saw its door was wide open and no one was there; photographed its condition at the time, and reported the incident to him and his staff  © 2022
Evolution I don't believe in evolution. I don't believe in that type of so-called science. I don't believe in evolution. I believe in God. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2021
God God has a way of making sure everyone knows who God is. Marjorie Taylor Greene, exulting over flooding and mud at Burning Man © 2023
Monkeypox  It’s not a threat to most of the population. People just have to laugh at it, mock it, and reject it ... It’s another scam. Marjorie Taylor Greene on monkeypox © 2022
Punt returners say If the way to get rid of something awful was for people to laugh at it and mock it,  that woman clearly wouldn’t be in Congress. And yet here we all are. John Oliver responding to Marjorie Taylor Greene's comment about monkeypox that “It’s not a threat to most of the population. People just have to laugh at it, mock it, and reject it ... It's another scam.” © 2022
Reich wingers say Biden pushing a vaccine that is NOT FDA approved shows covid is a political tool used to control people. People have a choice, they don't need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations. You can't force people to be part of the human experiment. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 4:54 PM – Jul 6, 2021, comparing going door-to-door to reach unvaccinated people at their homes to Nazis hunting Jews © 2021
Snapshot If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built, butch body,  that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? Marjorie Taylor Greene portrayed by Jasmine Crockett after Greene attacked Crockett's appearance during a House Oversight Committee meeting, to which Republican Chairman James Comer responded by saying, “A what now?” © 2024
Snapshot Here's three words no one ever has to say to Marjorie Taylor Greene: Dumb it down. Marjorie Taylor Greene portrayed by Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, June 3, 2022 © 2022
Snapshot Here's three words no one ever has to say to Marjorie Taylor Greene: Dumb it down. Marjorie Taylor Greene portrayed by Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, June 3, 2022 © 2022
Snapshot Marjorie Taylor Greene, the congresswoman who makes most people say, “How is she not a teacher from Florida who fucks her students?” Marjorie Taylor Greene portrayed by Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, Jan. 20, 2021 © 2021
Snapshot Why is this chick so hyperactive? She looks like Cocaine Bear. If she actually were four years old and acted out this much, they'd arrest her stepfather. Honey, sit down. This is Congress, not the Waffle House at 3 o'clock in the morning. Marjorie Taylor Greene portrayed by Bill Maher, after her outbursts during Biden's 2023 State of the Union Address while draped in a white fur boa © 2023
Snapshot I don't know them, but I'm reminded of that old line from the “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” movie where – where one character says, “Morons, I've got morons on my team.” And I have to think anybody that would sit down with white nationalists and speak at their conference was certainly missing a few IQ points. Marjorie Taylor Greene portrayed by Mitt Romney, after Greene spoke at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference in Florida on February 25, 2022 © 2022
Sociopaths say The Democrats are the party of pedophiles. The Democrats are the party of princess predators from Disney.  The Democrats are the party of teachers, elementary school teachers trying to transition their elementary school-age children and convince them they're a different gender. This is the party of their identity, and their identity is the most disgusting, evil, horrible thing happening in our country. Marjorie Taylor Greene, seeding the ground for political violence by sociopaths like herself and her kuckle-dragging followers  © 2022
Trumpists In 2009, it was a big deal when congress- man Joe Wilson yelled out “You lie!”  during Obama's state of the union address. But this year, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert repeatedly, repeatedly interruped Biden during his state of the union address. Look at them! [accom-  panying photo of them standing and yelling]  Excuse me, Karen! The president is talking. It's not a black kid you caught trying to use the pool.  No, you can't have another skinny margarita, and if you don't sit down, this flight is never getting to Orlando. Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, April 1, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say The biggest crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched. Millions of dollars from foreign influence peddling into Joe Biden’s bank account.  Hunter Biden just became the Deep State’s sacrificial lamb to show that Justice is “balanced” while the other Biden crimes remain ignored. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 1:32 PM – Jun 11, 2024, showing amateurs, by example, how to pack 1 tweet with 3 bags worth of bullshit © 2024
Trumpists say The climate has always changed,  and no amount of taxes and no government can do anything to stop climate change. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens.  Marjorie Taylor Greene, 12:13 PM – Apr 5, 2024  © 2024
< Trumpists say The Godless left is relentlessly attacking me for my Christian faith. I am a proud Christian  and a proud American. That's why I am a proud  Christian Nationalist. Claim your Proud Christian Nationalist shirt now and share your love for our great country. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jul 29, 2022, 11:03  © 2022
Trumpists say I didn't even know there was a history with that phrase. Marjorie Taylor Greene on calling herself a “Christian nationalist” © 2022
Trumpists say I don’t back down. I don’t apologize. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say I think the American people are fed up with this over-dramatization of a riot that happened here at the Capitol one time. They are sick and tired of January 6. It's over. OK? Marjorie Taylor Greene, April 11, 2022 [By “over-dramatization” she means the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol] © 2022
Trumpists say I want to tell you something. If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed, Marjorie Taylor Greene, December 10, 2022, speaking to guests at a dinner hosted by the New York Young Republican Club about the January 6th insurrection © 2022
Trumpists say I was very upset. I never expected anything like that. And when that happened I thought, this is antifa, and no one can convince me it was so-called Trump supporters, and we know there's a lot wrong there, and I cannot wait for a real investigation. Marjorie Tayloer Greene, blaming the January 6 attack on the Capitol on anti-fascists  © 2022
Trumpists say If monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease, why are kids getting it? Marjorie Taylor Greene, 6:22 PM – Jul 23, 2022, who will hopefully learn through experience that sex is not the only way monkeypox can be transmitted  © 2022
Trumpists say If Trump becomes Speaker of the House, the House chamber will be like a Trump rally everyday!! It would be the House of MAGA!!! Marjorie Taylor Greene, 1:25 PM — Oct 5, 2023   © 2023
Trumpists say If you are pregnant, God made you completely capable to be a mother, and he will provide for you, as you strive in life and become a mother. Motherhood will be the most incredible journey of your entire life, bringing you continuous joy you’ve never known. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 9:06 AM – Jun 28, 2022  © 2022
Trumpists say Joe Biden's five million illegal aliens are on the verge of replacing you, replacing your jobs, and replacing your kids in school, and coming from all over the world, they're also replacing your culture. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say Resolved. That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that former President Donald J. Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or give aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. Resolution that Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, Marjorie Taylor Greene and other far-righters are trying to get passed by the House © 2024
Trumpists say Take it from me rumors and headlines don't equal truth. I stand with @mattgaetz Marjorie Taylor Greene, 11:00 AM – Mar 31, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say Thank god for air conditioning. Let's talk about refrigerators. I personally like my refrigerator. I know you all like yours.  What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don't make me scrub clothes in a bucket and have to hang them out on a line when we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels. I'm gonna be really pissed off about that. I mean, how absurd is this? I like the lights on. I wanna stay up later at night. I don't want to have to go to bed when the sun sets. It's so silly! I mean, all of this is insane. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE. “Trust The Science.”   Sign denying the existence of transgender people Marjorie Taylor Greene hung outside her office  across the hall from the office of Marie Newman, who had hung a trans pride flag to honor her trans daughter and to commemorate the House passing the Equality Act, which Greene had tried to block © 2023
Trumpists say There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 2:59 PM – Oct 18, 2023, equating protestors at the Capitol calling for a cease fire in Gaza Strip to the attack by January 6 insurrectionists © 2023
Trumpists say This is a war on Christianity. The Ukrainian government is attacking Christians; the Ukrainian government is executing priests. Russia is not doing that. They are not attacking Christianity. As a matter of fact, they seem to be protecting it. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Putinist, who thinks Ukrainians are not Christians and bombing hundreds of their churches is, 11:52 AM – Apr 8, 2024  © 2024
Trumpists say Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi's forced Jewish people to wear a gold star. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 7:22 AM – May 25, 2021, equating employees of a supermarket chain that were allowed to go maskless if they wore vaccination logos to assure customers they had been vaccinated to Jews living in Nazi Germany  © 2021
Trumpists say We control the budget, we control the power of the purse. If Speaker Johnson supports Trump like he claims, he should stop the special counsel Jack Smith and he should be using the power of the purse to hold New York accountable for the sham convictions against President Trump.  The entire thing is political, it’s outrageous, and our country has completely turned a corner. Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling for an end to investigations of Trump and for withholding federal funds for social pograms in state whose citizens uphold the rule of law in the face of threats to themselves and families © 2024
Trumpists say We need to work with Israel to track serial numbers on any U.S. weapons used by Hamas against Israel. Did they come from Afghanistan? Did they come from Ukraine? Highly likely the answer is both. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 8:07 AM — Oct 8, 2023   [The Russian state news agency, RT, fact-checked Greene's claims and concluded, “Thus far, no solid evidence has emerged to support these claims”] © 2023
Trumpists say We only have one choice for Speaker: President Donald J. Trump His policies stopped the globalists and communists more than anyone else. He is the leader of the Republican Party and the only person we can trust to Save America. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 5:18 PM — Oct 4, 2023  © 2023
Trumpists say You need to understand that what they’re doing to President Trump is exactly what they will do to any one of us when they deem us a threat. Marjorie Taylor Greene, June 9, 2023, on the DOJ's indictment of Trump in connection with his handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago [NOTE: she says “President Trump”, not “former/ex-President Trump”] © 2023