Martin Shkreli

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Cocks of the walk say Cmon gimme dat verdict Martin Shkreli, before being found guilty of conspiracy and securities fraud by jurors he said would apologise to him © 2017
Cocks of the walk say I feel so cool. I got so much — so much swag. Martin Shkreli, pharmaceutical industry price-gouger © 2015
Cocks of the walk say I'm going to drop the hottest album of [2016]. Every track a banger. Martin Shkreli, pharmaceutical industry price-gouger and rap star wannabe © 2015
Cocks of the walk say In for comms director Martin Shkreli, the “Pharma Bro,” Facebook post after Anthony Scaramucci was fired as Trump's Communications Director © 2017
Kwiplers say Donald Trump is the Martin Shkreli of presidents © 2018
Psychopaths say I am confident I will prevail. The allegations against me are baseless and without merit. Martin Shkreli, after being arrested for allegedly misleading investors in his hedge fund and looting his publicly traded company © 2015
Psychopaths say I hope to see you and your four children homeless and I will do whatever I can to ensure this. Martin Shkreli, in a letter he purportedly sent to the wife of a former employee © 2015
Psychopaths say I probably would have raised the price higher is probably what I would have done. Martin Shkreli, when asked if, given hindsight, he would have done anything differently in raising the price of the drug Diaprim 5,500% from $13.50 to $750.00 per pill  © 2015
Psychopaths say There's no doubt I'm a capitalist. I'm trying to create a big drug company, a successful drug company, a profitable drug company. Martin Shkreli, ex-hedge fund manager, who former employees sued for unpaid wages, who urged the FDA to not approve drugs from companies he was selling short, who was accused of harassing an ex- employee and his family and of using company funds to pay personal debts, defending Turing Pharmaceuticals, his new company, which acquired rights to Daraprim, a 62-year old drug used to treat pregnant women, infants, AIDS and cancer patients, and then raised its price 5,500 percent, from $13.50 to $750.00 per pill © 2015
Snapshot “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli can't find jurors who don't already hate him One potential juror admitted, “I looked right at him and, in my head, I said ‘that's a snake’” Martin Shkreli portrayed by Salon headlines, June 27, 2017 © 2017