Matt Taibbi

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2016 Presidential election Trump's rebellion was born at the intersection of two toxic American myths, the post-racial society and the classless society. Matt Taibbi © 2016
Bad news It's too late for any of us [journalists] to fix this colossal misread and  lapse in professional caution. Now all we can do is wait to see how much this failure of vision will cost the public we supposedly serve. Just like the politicians, our job was to listen, and we talked instead. Now America will do its own talking for a while. The world may never forgive us for not seeing this coming. Matt Taibbi, on the press's failure to understand the “rage storm” behind the 2016 presidential election © 2016
Death TAG GOES HERE Text on the tattoo of an arrow pointing to the big toe on a soldier's foot Described by Matt Taibbi in “Fort Apache, Iraq” © 2017
House of Representatives The House Rules Committee is perhaps the free world's outstanding bureaucratic abomination – a tiny, airless closet deep in the labyrinth of the Capital where some of the very meanest people on earth spend their days skinning democracy like a fish. The official function of the committee is to decide which bills and amendments will be voted on by Congress and also to schedule the parameters of debate. If Rules votes against your amendment, your amendment dies. If you control the Rules Committee, you control Congress. Matt Taibbi, “Four Amendments and a Funeral” © 2017
Iraq War The Iraq War is like the sun: no one wants to stare at it too long. Matt Taibbi, “Bush vs. the Mother” © 2017
Iraq War This is the place where two existential dead ends have come around in a circle to meet in an irreconcilable explosion of violence — the bureaucratic ennui and intellectual confusions of modern civilized man versus the recalcitrant prehistoric fanaticism of Al Qaeda's literally cave-dwelling despotic mob. Matt Taibbi, “Fort Apache, Iraq” © 2017
Snapshot His pre-politics career as a rat and bug killer was marked by a continual failure that has to be considered shocking in a state so teeming with vermin. An exterminator failing in southeast Texas is like a pimp failing in Bangkok during tourist season. Tom DeLay portrayed by Matt Taibbi © 2017