Matthew Whitaker

Monday 22nd of July 2024

IA Republican Matt Whitaker's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2015
Liars say I did not know he took views on the Mueller investigation as such. Donald Trump, claiming he didn't know Matthew Whitaker, who he made temporary Attorney General to smother the Mueller investigation, which he now oversees, often publicly opposed it, including on Fox News, his favorite channel  © 2018
Rule of law What makes an officer a principal officer is that he or she reports only only to the president. … A principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. And that has a very significant conse- quence today. It means that Mr. Trump's installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It's illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid. Neal K. Katyal and George T. Conway III, New York Times, November 8, 2018 © 2018
Snapshot [He] is just somebody that's very respected. … I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. And, you know, look, as far as I'm concerned this is an investigation  that should have never been brought. It's an illegal investigation. … And you know, it's very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller's not Senate confirmed. Matthew Whitaker portrayed by Donald Trump, Nov. 14, 2018 [Attorney General Whitaker needs but lacks confirmation; Special Counsels don't need it] © 2018