Mel Brooks

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Clothes You know, they used to call these urine jackets, but they didn't sell. Mel Brooks, on pea coats © 2016
Punt returners say Depends. Mel Brooks responding to someone who asked him whether he wore long shorts or briefs  © 2023
Punt returners say I was in World War II and I didn’t see you there. Mel Brooks responding to an audience member at a preview of "The Producers," which shows Hitler sauntering and singing and dancing, who kept storming up the aisle and yelling, “How dare you have Hitler, how dare you have the swastika? I was in World War II risking my life and you do this on a stage?” [In the war, Brooks was a combat engineer whose job was to defuse land mines and clear boobytraps from buildings]  © 2023
Selfie I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit. Mel Brooks © 2016