Michael Tomasky

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Conservatives No one had come along to suggest that power should be unlimited. But now someone has, and we have learned something very interesting about these “conservatives,” both the rank and file and holders of high of high office: their overwhelming commitment is not to democratic allocation of power, but to their ideological goals — the annihilation of liberalism, the restoration of a white ethno-nationalist hegemony. They know better than to speak of such things openly, but every once and a while they have allowed a piece of the cat's anatomy to slip out of the bag, a tail here, a hind leg there. Michael Tomasky, New York Review of Books, August 16, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Political inequality On Tuesday, according to The Times, Democratic Senate candidates garnered 45 million votes, and Republicans just 33 million (57 percent to 42 percent). Yet, the Republicans will gain perhaps three seats. That is not democracy.  Michael Tomasky, New York Times, November 7, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
State of the union For a Daily Beast  column back in 2011 I compared opposition-party levels of support in Congress for George W. Bush and Barack Obama on four of each president's major initiatives. The average Democratic support for Bush on those four bills was 41.1 percent. The average Republican support for Obama on his four bills was 5.75 percent. The two parties are  just different species.  Michael Tomasky, 2017/11/09  © 2017 Kwiple.com
Trumpism It has been written, and I've written it myself, that the Republicans have been weak in the face of Trumpism. But I've come to think that's wrong. They're not weak at all. Most of them are perfectly happy to have become Trump's vassals. They were waiting for just such a man. Michael Tomasky, New York Review of Books, August 16, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com