Mike Pence

Monday 22nd of July 2024

IN Republican Mike Pence's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2016 Kwiple.com
2016 Presidential election Mike looks more like a vice-president — he's out of central casting. Donald Trump's explanation to Chris Christie of why he chose Pence as his running mate instead of him © 2023 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election At 11:44 p.m. [on January 6, 2021, after the  Joint Session of Congress had resumed certi-  fying the election following the insurrection], Co-Conspirator 2 [John Eastman] emailed the Vice President's Counsel advocating that the Vice President violate the law and seek further delay of the certification. Co-Conspirator 2 wrote,  “I implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation [of the ECA] and adjourn for 10 days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations, as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here.” United States of America v. Donald J. Trump © 2023 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election Also at 2:24 p.m., knowing the riot was underway and that Vice President Pence was  at the Capitol, President Trump sent this tweet: Mike Pence didn't have have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! Evidence shows that the 2:24 p.m. tweet immediately precipitated further violence at the Capitol. January 6 Commitee Report - Summary © 2022 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election The American psyche has not recognised we were one vice-president away from a coup. Jay Inslee © 2021 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election I said, “Mike, you have a chance to be Thomas Jefferson or you can be Mike Pence.” He chose to be Mike Pence.  Donald Trump © 2022 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election In perhaps the most chilling moment of the hearing, Cheney spoke of former White House officials' testimony about Trump's bloodthirstiness toward his own vice president. “Aware of the rioters' chants to hang Mike Pence, the president responded with this sentiment, quote, ‘Maybe our supporters have the right idea.’ Mike Pence, quote, ‘deserves it.’” Dana Milbank, Washington Post, June 9 2022, on the opening public hearing of the  Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol © 2022 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all the electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, suggesting that vice presidents have the authority to simply refuse to count electoral votes from states his party lost © 2021 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election The only thing worse would be not charging him. Barbara McQuade, "United States v. Donald Trump," on the failure to criminally charge Trump with conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstruction of an official proceeding for pressuring Pence to overturn the election due to fears about potential negative consequences for the country, such as violent protests, civil unrest, loss of life, or an acquittal, which would embolden other domestic wannabe autocrats © 2022 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election President Trump is wrong: I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. And, frankly, there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person can choose the American president. Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of the election. Mike Pence, February 4, 2022 © 2022 Kwiple.com
2020 Presidential election Testimony obtained by the Committee indicates that President Trump knew about the rioters' anger at Vice President Mike Pence, and indicated something to the effect that “Mike [Pence] deserves it.” January 6 Commitee Report - Summary © 2022 Kwiple.com
2024 Presidential election [I]f Donald Trump becomes the nominee of this party, the moment that it happened was when Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis, and Tim Scott and Mike Pence and Doug Burgum and Vivek Ramaswamy stood on that stage in Milwaukee in August, and when we were asked would you support someone who is a convicted felon to be President of the United States, they raised their hands. Give Ron credit. He had to look at everybody  else first to see if he wanted to raise his hand, but then he raised his hand. Kind of like  cheating off somebody’s paper in high school.  They raised their hands and I did not and will not and I cannot countenance that behavior. Chris Christie, Windham, NH, January 10, 2024 © 2024 Kwiple.com
Bullshitters say In a word, we're going to make the best healthcare system in the world even better. Mike Pence, pushing the widely-despised Ryancare, a.k.a. American Health Care Act © 2017 Kwiple.com
Conspiracy theories It's not going to happen from mocking them or calling them stupid or making smart remarks like,  “If Kamala Harris really is a lizard person, why didn't she eat that fly on Mike Pence's head?” Don't do that. I'm saying don't do that.  Bill Maher,  Real Time with Bill Maher, November 20, 2020, advice on what not what to do to get QAnon followers out of their cult and over their great disappointment about Trump not being reelected  © 2020 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say I just don't think you can conect it to acts or threats of violence. Mike Pence, denying there's any connection between Trump's violent rhetoric and mail bombs sent to Democrats who he regularly demeans at his rallies or to his supporter who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue © 2018 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say Time for a quick reality check. Smoking doesn't kill. Mike Pence © 2016 Kwiple.com
Dead-in-the-heads say You know, President Trump and I have spoken many times since we left office. And I don't know if we'll ever see eye to eye on that day. Mike Pence, referring to the January 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol, during which Trump and his supporters called for hanging Pence for failing to overturn Biden's election © 2021 Kwiple.com
Hypocrites say I left today's Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem. Mike Pence, 10:08 AM – 8 Oct 2017, on a stunt he planned with Trump that cost taxpayers hundreds of thousand dollars to have him and his staff fly round trip between the West Coast and Indianapolis so that he could be photgraphed at an NFL game standing and saluting while some players kneeled in protest of racism, and then walking out in a huff over their alleged lack of patriotism to be back in time to attend scheduled fundraisers in California © 2017 Kwiple.com
Impeachment This business of high crimes and misdemeanors goes to the question of whether or not the person serving as President of the United States put their own interests, their personal interests, ahead of public service. Mike Pence © 2019 Kwiple.com
Impeachment Was there a quid pro quo? The answer is yes. Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret. Gordon Sondland [“Everyone” includes Trump, Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney and John Bolton, who wanted no part of what he called a “drug deal”] © 2019 Kwiple.com
Kwiple dictionary basket of deplorables (bas'kit ov di plôr'ə bəls), n. Collective name for Trump's major supporters and allies, including: Mike Pence, wannabe burier of aborted fetuses; Betsy DeVos, billionaire shifter of public funds to private and Christian schools; Andy Puzder, every robot's BFF; Vincent Viola, billionaire flash boy; Wilbur Ross, billionaire “King of Bankruptcy”; Steven Mnuchin, who “forgot” to disclose $100 million in assets and directorship of an investment fund in a tax haven; Richard B. Spencer, theorist of white supremacy © 2017 Kwiple.com
Kwiple dictionary the Honorable (thə on'ər ə bəl) adjectival phrase. A gender-neutral adjectival phrase traditionally placed before the name of a current or past holder of a high office. When in used before Donald Trump's name or the name of one of his kiss-asses, such as Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Mike Pence or Betsy DeVos, the usage is ipso facto  ironic. © 2018 Kwiple.com
Kwiplers say Mike Pence snorts Koch © 2017 Kwiple.com
Lame-ass excuse As vice president of the United States, I'm tested for the coronavirus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the coronavirus. Since I don't have the coronavirus, I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers, these incredible health-care personnel, and look them in the eye and say thank you. Mike Pence, justifyinng sauntering through the Mayo Clinic talking to others about COVID-19 coronavirus without wearing a mask, in violation of CDC guidelines and the clinic's explicit instructions that everyone in the building must wear one © 2020 Kwiple.com
Loneliness What is it that has made people so lonely? It's their stupid phone, which was supposed to connect people, but which studies have found has made them more lonely. It's like a vibrator designed by Mike Pence. Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, August 16, 2019 © 2019 Kwiple.com
Profiles in courage As a student of history who loves the Constitution and its Framers, I do not believe that the Founders of our country intended to invest the Vice President with the unilateral authority to decide which electoral votes should be counted during the Joint Session of Congress, and no Vice President in American history has ever asserted such authority. Instead, Vice Presidents presiding over Joint  Sessions have uniformly followed the Electoral Count Act, conducting the proceedings in an orderly manner even when the count resulted in the defeat of their party or their own candidacy. Mike Pence's words that made Trump and his supporters want him hanged  © 2021 Kwiple.com
Profiles in courage Pence follows Trump order and walks out of 49ers-Colts after players kneel Trump confirms walkout was planned and says he is ‘proud’ headline, The Guardian, October 8, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Resisters say Build a fence Around Mike Pence Chant, NYC Women's March, January 21, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Selfie I am a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order. Mike Pence © 2016 Kwiple.com
Selfie I was like the frozen man. Frozen before the revolution; thawed after it was over. A minuteman who showed up 10 years too late. Mike Pence on being elected to the House in 2004 to shrink government and cut federal spending when Republicans launched Medicare Part D and bailed out Wall Street banks © 2016 Kwiple.com
Selfie Rush Limbaugh on decaf. Mike Pence on his talk radio show, “The Mike Pence Show”  © 2016 Kwiple.com
Sleepers at the wheel say He's just simply saying, “Gosh, if they're out there somewhere, I would like to see them.” Mike Pence, explaining why Donald Trump asked Russian hackers to illegally hack into Hillary Clinton's emails © 2016 Kwiple.com
Sleepers at the wheel say  You've restored American credibility on the world stage. Mike Pence, third of the fourteen praises he lavished on Donald Trump in less than three minutes at the Cabinet meeting on December 20, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Snapshot Mother. Karen Pence portrayed by her husband, Mike Pence © 2017 Kwiple.com
Snapshot They [the victims] stood up for me. I forgive the prosecutor. He wrote a letter. And the parole board? They saw that justice happened. But I don't forgive Mike Pence, and never will. He talks all this God stuff, but he's biased. He hates Muslims, he hates gay people, and he hates minorities. He didn't want to be the first white man in Indiana to pardon an innocent black man. Mike Pence portrayed by Keith Cooper who then-Governor Pence refused to pardon after having been released because of new DNA evidence, recantations by victims and witnesses, and recommendations to do so by the prosecutor and Indiana Parole Board © 2017 Kwiple.com
Snapshot You are Donald Trump's apprentice. Mike Pence portrayed by Tim Kaine © 2016 Kwiple.com
Snapshot Mr Pence is an evangelical who has vowed never to dine alone with a woman except his own wife.  He has been pilloried for his prudishness.  How can anyone work in today's world without being alone with a female colleague? It is altogether Saudi Arabian. Mike Pence portrayed by Edward Luce © 2018 Kwiple.com
Snapshot In a letter to The New York Times in 2005, Donald Trump wrote that “some people cast shadows, and other people  choose to live in those shadows.” Mike Pence went a little further and chose to be Trump’s shadow. He has ended up as a gray man of no substance, who has to insist ever more emphatically on his own godliness because he has no soul left to sell. Mike Pence portrayed by Fintan O'Toole © 2023 Kwiple.com
Snapshot Pence is a reminder that no one can have sustained transactions with Trump without becoming too soiled for subsequent scrubbing. Mike Pence portrayed by George F. Will © 2018 Kwiple.com
Snapshot  Pence is what he has chosen to be, which is horrifying. Mike Pence portrayed by George F. Will © 2018 Kwiple.com
Snapshot I wouldn't be surprised if you nicknamed your penis Mike Pence because it's not hung like it should be. Donald Trump portrayed by Bill Maher Real Time with Bill Maher, November 11, 2022 © 2022 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest The Billy Graham rule © 2017 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest In 2002, Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won't attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either. Washington Post, March 28, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com
Surely you jest Trump plays the Rolling Stones' “You Can't Always Get What You Want” before officially introducing Mike Pence as his running mate © 2016 Kwiple.com
Trumpism Donald Trump, with his feral cunning, knew. The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America's most repulsive public figure. And Pence, who has reached this pinnacle by dethroning his benefactor, is augmenting the public stock of useful knowledge. Because his is the authentic voice of today's lickspittle Republican Party, he clarifies this year's elections: Vote Republican to ratify groveling as governing. George F. Will, May 9, 2018 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Trumpists If someone looked at you that way, you'd be disturbed and think about a restraining order. Omarosa on Mike Pence's adoration for Trump © 2018 Kwiple.com
Trumpists In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for three minutes straight headline, Washington Post, December 20, 2017 © 2018 Kwiple.com
Trumpists say Follow the chain of command without exception. Submit yourselves, as the saying goes, to the authorities that have been placed above you. Trust your superiors, trust your orders, and you'll serve and lead well. Mike Pence, to the 2017 graduating class at the United States Naval Academy © 2019 Kwiple.com
Trumpists say  I would not have done what Mike Pence did. I don’t think that was the right approach. Elise Stefanik, auditioning to be Trump's running mate by respondiing to Kaitlin Collins, who aske her,  “Had you been vice president on January 6, 2021, what would you have done?”, with an answer confirming that she would have violated the Constitution and participated in Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election © 2024 Kwiple.com
< Trumpists say Thank you, Mr. President. And just the greatest privilege of my life is to serve as the — as vice president to the president who's keeping his word to the American people and assembling a team that's bringing real change, real prosperity, real strength back to our nation. Mike Pence © 2018 Kwiple.com
Voting Donald Trump's Advisory Commission on Election Integrity predictablhy consists of two Democrats and a gang of experienced Republican voter suppression advocates led by: Ken Blackwell, Kris Kobach, Mike Pence, Hans von Spakovsky © 2017 Kwiple.com
Wannabe autocrats On January 1 [2021], the Defendant [Donald Trump] called the Vice President [Pence] and berated him because he had learned that the Vice President had opposed a lawsuit seeking a judicial decision that, at the certification, the Vice President had the authority to reject or return votes to the states under the Constitution. The Vice President responded that he thought there was no constitutional basis  for such authority and that it was improper. In response, the Defendant told the Vice President, “You're too honest.” United States of America v. Donald J. Trump © 2023 Kwiple.com
Wretched excess In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for three minutes straight headline, Washington Post, December 20, 2017 © 2017 Kwiple.com