Roger Stone

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2016 Presidential election If Hillary wins, there will be widespread unrest, civil disobedience, badly divided government in which half the country believes she, her daughter, and her husband belong in jail. There'll be no goodwill. No honeymoon. There will be systematic inspection of all of her actions because someone who has been a crook in the past will be a crook in the future. It will be sad. I'll probably be forced to move to Costa Rica. Rober Stone, Trump adviser, promising Republican-led gridlock if Clinton becomes president © 2016
Cocks of the walk say Future plans— president of the United States 1988 From Roger Stone's 1970 high school yearbook © 2019
Cocks of the walk say Worry? I don't worry. I make other people worry. Roger Stone, when asked if he was worried about Mueller's investigation into links between Trump's campaign and Russia © 2019
Fascists say Fuck the voting; lets get right to the violence. Shoot to kill. See an Antifa? Shoot to kill. Fuck 'em. Done with this bullshit. Roger Stone, to Danish filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, on his way home from a November 2, 2020 rally for Doug Collins, a Georgia Republican [Stone later said he was “just kidding”] © 2023
Hate Hate is a stronger motivator than love. Human nature has never changed. Roger Stone © 2019
Impeachment Try to impeach him [Trump], just try it. You will have a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection, like you've never seen. The people will not stand for impeachment. A politician that votes for it would be endangering their own life. Rober Stone © 2017
Kwiple dictionary basket of deplorables (bas'kit ov di plôr'ə bəls), n. Collective name for Trump's major supporters and allies, including: Roger Ailes, sexual predator; Steve Bannon, platform provider for white supremacists and conspiracy theorists; Chris Christie, Republican jetsam; Ann Coulter, self-described “mean- spirited bigot”; Rudy Giuliani, 9/11's prime beneficiary; Sean Hannity, Fox News dumbass; Paul Manafort, adviser to dictators; Roger Stone, self-described “dirty trickster”; Donald Turmp, Jr. and Eric Trump, America's Uday and Qusay © 2017
Pardons and commutations Just as Stone was supposed to go to prison, Trump commuted his sentence. Commutation was more useful to the cover-up than an outright pardon. A commuted person retains his Fifth Amendment right not to testify; a pardoned person loses that right. David Frum, “Last Exit From Autocracy” © 2020
Politics … if you don't say something provocative, you don't get covered at all. Roger Stone,  the GOP's “king of dirty tricks” © 2016
Politics One man's dirty trick is another man's civic participation. Roger Stone,  the GOP's “king of dirty tricks” © 2016
Politics Politics is show business for ugly people. Roger Stone,  the GOP's “king of dirty tricks” © 2016
Selfie I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays. … It was my first political trick. Roger Stone, once a John F. Kennedy supporter, now the GOP's “king of dirty tricks” © 2016
Selfie Write something that makes me look bad, they'll find your body — or rather, they won't find it. Roger Stone,  the GOP's “king of dirty tricks” joking with a journalist from Rolling Stone  magazine © 2016
Snapshot I have trouble dealing with people who are slovenly. If you want to know what Steve Bannon had for lunch, just look at the front of his shirt. Steve Bannon portrayed by Roger Stone © 2019
State of the union The 23-page document, which also features an appearance by Richard Nixon, confirms the old truism that, sooner or later, everything in American life comes back to The Godfather. Financial Times, January 20, 2019, on Mueller's indictment of Roger Stone, which revealed that Stone encouraged a witness to “do a Frank Pentangeli” like the character in The Godfather II who provided a sworn affidavit and then stymied Senate investigators by telling them “I don't know nothing about that!” © 2019
Trumpists say It’s time to do it. Let’s go find [Eric] Swalwell. It’s time to do it.  Then we’ll see how brave the rest of the are. It’s time to do it. It’s either [Jerry] Nadler or Swalwell has to die before the election. They need to get the message.  Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with.  I’m just not putting up with this shit anymore. Roger Stone to one of his bodyguards after the House Judiciary Committee including Nadler and Swalwell announced that it would investigate Trump's commutation of his prison sentence just days before he was to report to prison in 2019 for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstruction © 2024