Steven Mnuchin

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Bad news Mnuchin Blocks U.C.L.A. From Releasing Video of Students Heckling Him  citation headline, New York Times, March 1, 2018 © 2018
Bullshitters say Being a New Yorker, I don't have any interest in watching the eclipse. Steven Mnuchin, claiming he and his wife took a government plane to Kentucky to speak to business leaders in Fort Knox, and not to see the total eclipse of the sun  © 2017
Dead-in-the-heads say In terms of artificial intelligence  taking over the jobs, I think we're so far away from that that it's not even on my radar screen. I think it's 50 or 100 more years. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, March 24, 2017 © 2017
Freedom of speech It's not about race. It's not about free speech. They can do free speech on their own time. Steven Mnuchin, objecting to NFL players who kneel during singing of the national anthem as a protest against racial injustice © 2017
Kwiple dictionary basket of deplorables (bas'kit ov di plôr'ə bəls), n. Collective name for Trump's major supporters and allies, including: Mike Pence, wannabe burier of aborted fetuses; Betsy DeVos, billionaire shifter of public funds to private and Christian schools; Andy Puzder, every robot's BFF; Vincent Viola, billionaire flash boy; Wilbur Ross, billionaire “King of Bankruptcy”; Steven Mnuchin, who “forgot” to disclose $100 million in assets and directorship of an investment fund in a tax haven; Richard B. Spencer, theorist of white supremacy © 2017
Liars say I didn't realize it was the global elite. Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive, hedge fund manager and national finance chairman of Trump's election campaign; currently Secretary of the Treasury and leader – until Trump said he's going – of the 2018 American delegation to “it” – the World Economic Forum, the annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, of the world's richest and most powerful people from all walks of life © 2018
Thinking Oy vey iz mir! I'm with stupid! What Gary Cohn, Trump's chief economic adviser, and Steve Mnuchin, his Treasury Secretary, must have been thinking when being interviewed by the editors of The Economist, along with Trump, who asked the editors if they'd heard the expression “prime the pump” and then said he created it “a couple of days ago and I thought it was good” © 2017
Trumpists say I don't think we're in a trade war. We're in a situation of trade disputes. Steven Mnuchin © 2018
Trumpists say This guy's got more stamina  than anybody I've ever met. I mean, I thought I was in good shape. I mean, it's unbelievable. He's constantly doing things.  Steven Mnuchin © 2019