Susan Collins

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Democracy  There is no easy way to stop a major party that’s intent on destroying democracy. The demonic energy with which Trump  repeats his lies, and Bannon harangues his  audience, and Republican politicians around the country try to seize every lever of election machinery — this relentless drive for power by American authoritarians is the major threat that America confronts. The Constitution doesn't have an answer. No help will come from Republican leaders; if Romney and Susan Collins are all that stand between the republic and its foes, we’re doomed. George Packer, The Atlantic, January/February 2022 © 2021
Kwiplers say  I accuse Donald Trump and Mike Pence of conspiracy to transfer sovereignty from America's citizens to its largest  corporations and richest families and to make governments and the courts instruments for promoting their interests against all others' — actions democracies should deem treason punishable by death ——— Prominent Congressional Co-conspirators ——— Lamar Alexander • John Barrasso • Roy Blunt • John Boozman • Richard Burr • Shelley Capito • Bill Cassidy • Thad Cochran • Susan Collins • Bob Corker • John Cornyn • Tom Cotton • Mike Crapo • Ted Cruz • Steve Daines • Mike Enzi • Joni Ernst • Deb Fischer • Jeff Flake • Freedom Caucus • Cory Gardner • Lindsey Graham • Chuck Grassley • Orrin Hatch • Dean Heller • John Hoeven • James Inhofe • Johnny Isakson • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mike Lee • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mitch McConnell • Jerry Moran • Lisa Murkowski • Rand Paul • David Perdue • Rob Portman • Jim Risch • Pat Roberts • Mike Rounds • Marco Rubio • Ben Sasse • Tim Scott • Richard Shelby • Luther Strange • Dan Sulliven • John Thune • Thom Tillis • Patrick Toomey • Roger Wicker • Todd Young ——— Prominent Unelected Co-conspirators ——— Sheldon Adelson • Samuel Alito • American Legislative Exchange Council • Americans for Prosperity • Americans for Tax Reform • Betsy DeVos • Federalist Society • Fox News • Neil Gorsuch • Charles & David Koch • Robert & Rebekah Mercer • Scott Pruitt • John Roberts, Jr. • Sinclair Broadcast Group • Peter Singer • Peter Thiel • Clarence Thomas • U.S. Chamber of Commerce  © 2017
Resisters say That took some ovaries! Placard, Bangor, Maine, July 28, 2017, airport welcome of Senator Susan Collins after she voted against all three Republican attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare  © 2017
Snapshot She disappoints  at a rate normally associated with dinners cooked by divorced dads. Susan Collins portrayed by John Oliver © 2018
Snapshot He's huge. He's so unattractive. It's unbelievable. Brent Farenthold, portrayed by Susan Collins, who Farenthold said he'd challenge to a duel if she were man because she voted against repealing Obamacare © 2017